Former Commissioner Alleges Political Ploy to Tarnish President Tinubu’s Image Ahead of 2027 Elections

Former Commissioner Alleges Political Ploy to Tarnish President Tinubu’s Image Ahead of 2027 Elections

Alleged Political Design Unveiled: Ex-Commissioner Speaks Out on Abuja’s Banditry Uptick

Jonathan Vasta, a former commissioner for Information Culture and Tourism, has voiced his concern, asserting that the recent surge in banditry in the nation’s capital is part of a deliberate effort to tarnish the image of President Bola Tinubu’s government in the run-up to the 2027 elections.

The All Progressives Congress (APC) chieftain made these claims during an interview with Daily Sun, drawing parallels to similar tactics employed against former President Goodluck Jonathan ahead of the 2015 general election.

Echoes of Past Strategies:

Vasta highlighted that a similar pattern was observed before the 2015 general election, where bombings occurred across Nigeria, including Abuja.

He contends that peace returned to the capital immediately after the election, suggesting that the objective had been achieved.

Call to Action for President Tinubu:

Expressing his concern, Vasta urged President Tinubu not to remain passive and allow a fate similar to what befell Jonathan to unfold during his tenure.

He lamented the apparent infiltration of bandits and criminal elements into the entire seat of power, emphasizing the urgency for the President to address the rising security concerns.

Design to Make the Country Ungovernable:

Vasta asserted, “This is the same strategy that those behind the current rise in banditry activities in Abuja want to adopt.”

He suggested that the intention is to make the country ungovernable for the present administration, creating an environment of insecurity around the nation’s capital.

Appeal for Swift Action:

Drawing attention to the potential impact on President Tinubu’s government, Vasta emphasized the need for immediate action, stating, “I am very sure President Tinubu should know by now that some politicians are out to make his government unpopular before Nigerians, and they can achieve their aim if this security situation is not addressed.”

The former commissioner cautioned against allowing a state of insecurity to be exploited by ‘power-hungry politicians.’
