Inequality Concerns Rise as Senators from the North Criticize Imbalance in Senate Leadership

Inequality Concerns Rise as Senators from the North Criticize Imbalance in Senate Leadership

…By Dorcas Funmi for TDPel Media. Some members of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) who are senators from the northern region have voiced their disagreement with the proposed appointment of Senator Opeyemi Bamidele as the Majority Leader of the 10th Senate.


These senators argue that the push by certain lawmakers from the South-West to fill this position would exacerbate the existing divisions within the polarized Red Chamber.

Concerns about Cognitive Experience and Imbalance in the Senate

Amidst the intensifying lobbying for leadership positions in the Upper Legislative chambers, one senator highlighted a precedent where the campaign coordinator of the Senate president is often chosen as the majority leader.

The senator questioned the selection of a senator with less cognitive experience for this role and called on the APC National Working Committee to address the perceived imbalance in the Senate, where members from the North already feel marginalized.


Battle for the Senate Leader Position

Senator Bamidele and Senator Ali Ndume, who led Godswill Akpabio’s campaign for Senate President, are currently competing for the position of Senate Leader.

Concerns have been raised about Bamidele’s suitability for the role, with some senators expressing doubts about his ability to lead the Red Chamber during times of crisis.

The senator further mentioned the historical pattern of campaign coordinators being appointed as Senate leaders and emphasized Ndume’s experience and seniority in the National Assembly.

Criticism of Akpabio’s Appointments

In the meantime, some senators have criticized Godswill Akpabio, the newly elected Senate President, for his appointments of the chief of staff and deputy.

One senator argued that Akpabio should not have appointed two Christians from the South to these positions.


The existing practice has been to select a chief of staff and deputy from both the North and South, reflecting the two major faiths.

The lawmaker also claimed that Akpabio has become inaccessible shortly after assuming office, suggesting a lack of willingness to seek advice.

Concerns about Regional Balance and Advice

The senator expressed his view that appointing both the chief of staff and deputy from the South is problematic, suggesting that the deputy should have been selected from the North.

By making these appointments, Akpabio is seen as creating problems for himself.

The senator emphasized that seeking advice would have been beneficial in considering a chief of staff from the South and a deputy from the North, as it aligns with the established practice and maintains regional balance.


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