House Speaker Plans Meeting with President Tinubu to Address Resident Doctors’ Concerns

House Speaker Plans Meeting with President Tinubu to Address Resident Doctors’ Concerns

…By for TDPel Media. In an effort to avert a potential industrial action by the Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors (NARD), Tajudeen Abbas, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, is scheduling a meeting with President Bola Tinubu.


The meeting aims to address the issues raised by NARD and find a resolution to their grievances.

Establishment of a Special Committee:

During a discussion with the leadership of NARD in Abuja on Monday, Speaker Abbas announced the formation of a special committee.

The committee, led by House Leader Prof. Julius Ihonvbere, will take on the responsibility of engaging all stakeholders involved to seek solutions to the concerns raised by the resident doctors.


Involvement of Medical Professionals in the House:

To ensure a comprehensive approach, all medical professionals within the House will be part of the committee.

Tanko Sununu, the immediate past chairman of the 9th House Committee on Healthcare Services, will serve as the Deputy Chairman.

The Speaker directed the committee to take immediate action in addressing the issues.

Background on Resident Doctors’ Demands:

The resident doctors had previously undertaken a five-day warning strike in May after their demands remained unmet.

In July, NARD issued a two-week notice to the government, demanding the implementation of all their requirements.


Speaker’s Request for Time:

Speaker Abbas appealed to the resident doctors during the Monday meeting, requesting them to grant the House leadership a period of two weeks to find suitable solutions to their concerns.

He pointed out that the 10th House was inaugurated just a month ago and sought the doctors’ patience in the process.

NARD’s Agreement:

Dr. Innocent Orji, the National President of NARD, concurred with the Speaker’s request, expressing their willingness to inform their members about the Speaker’s stance.

This agreement indicates a cooperative approach towards resolving the issues amicably.


The decision by Speaker Tajudeen Abbas to hold a meeting with President Bola Tinubu and establish a special committee reflects a proactive approach in addressing the concerns of the resident doctors.


By involving medical professionals from within the House and requesting a two-week timeframe, the Speaker aims to find a constructive resolution to prevent any potential industrial action and ensure the well-being of the healthcare system in Nigeria.

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