High Court Allows Forced C-Section for 15-Year-Old in Council Care Against Her Will

High Court Allows Forced C-Section for 15-Year-Old in Council Care Against Her Will

…By Alan Peterson for TDPel Media. A 15-year-old girl, who was under the care of the council, has given birth after a High Court judge authorized doctors to perform a caesarean section against her will.


The case was urgently heard by Mr Justice Poole in the Family Division of the High Court, where it was revealed that the girl was 35 weeks pregnant.

Successful Birth Following C-Section

According to a lawyer involved in the case, the girl has given birth to a child after undergoing a C-section.

Both mother and child are reported to be in good health.

Needle Phobia and Health Concerns

Lawyers representing the doctors treating the teenager informed the judge that she had a fear of needles.

However, they expressed concerns about the baby’s health and argued that a C-section was the safest method of delivery.

Anonymity and Confidentiality

To protect the girl’s identity, Mr Justice Poole prohibited media reports from disclosing her name.


Additionally, the council responsible for her care was not to be named, as it could potentially reveal her identity.

Consideration of Best Interests

The council overseeing the girl’s medical treatment sought the judge’s decision on what actions would be in her best interests.

Barrister Vikram Sachdeva KC, leading the legal team representing the trust, informed the judge about the girl’s significant psychiatric history and past experiences of sexual exploitation.

Ruling in Favor of Caesarean Section

After careful consideration, Mr Justice Poole concluded that a caesarean section was in the best interests of the girl.


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About the Author:

Alan Peterson is a talented writer who creates engaging and informative content for TDPel Media. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Alan has established himself as a respected authority in his field. He is a dedicated professional who is committed to providing readers with accurate and up-to-date news and information. Alan’s ability to distill complex ideas into easily digestible pieces has earned him a loyal following among TDPel Media’s readers. In addition to his writing work, Alan is an avid reader and enjoys exploring new topics to expand his knowledge and expertise. He lives in Scotlant, United Kingdom.

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