Graphic Pictures: South African Primary School burnt down on Saturday midnight

Graphic Pictures: South African Primary School burnt down on Saturday midnight

The community of Luka Village near Rustenburg woken up to shocking news that their school called Ramotse Primary School has burnt down on Saturday midnight, 12 February 2022.
The cause of fire is still unknown but the school community suspects that it was criminal activities. The fire destroyed a computer lab with 40 computers, photocopiers, printers, Mathematics lab (1 projector, one screen, manipulative cupboard, interactive board and 18 tables), National School Nutrition Programme storage (food for learners) and Learner Teaching Supply Material (Stationery and textbooks) and a block of toilets for the girls and boys
The MEC for Education, Mmaphefo Matsemela condemned in strongest terms the alleged burning of the school.
“I take this moment to condemn in its strongest terms the alleged burning of Ramotse Primary school. Such incidents are clearly targeted at delaying the provisioning of education to an African child.
These incidents are aimed at destroying the right to education enshrined by the South African Constitution. We wish the full might of the law to find those responsible and send them to jail where they belong”, said MEC Matsemela.
The school has opened a case of arson with the local police station.



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