From Super Spy to Superstar: Mastering the Art of Wall Plate Installation (Pico Edition!)

From Super Spy to Superstar: Mastering the Art of Wall Plate Installation (Pico Edition!)

Imagine this: you are lounging on the couch, watching some climactic action in the movie. Suddenly, you urgently require a restroom pause. Yet, there’s a minor problem – the control is located at the far end of the area! Groan.
Fear not, fellow home warriors! There’s a secret weapon hidden in plain sight: the Pico wallplates. This clever device lets you control your lights (and sometimes even fans!) from anywhere in the room, just like a super spy with a high-tech gadget belt.
But before you unleash your inner James Bond and start flicking switches from the comfort of your armchair, you must install that Pico wall plate. Don’t worry; it’s no more complicated than cracking a code (well, maybe a little more accessible).
Here’s your step-by-step guide to becoming a wall plate installation whiz:
Mission 1: Gather Your Gear
Every good spy requires reliable tools, and you’re no exception! Here’s what you need:
⦁ A Pico remote control: This is your secret weapon, the controller that will unleash the power of remote lighting.
⦁ A Pico wall plate bracket: This is like a fancy adapter that lets you mount your remote on the wall.
⦁ A screwdriver: Your trusty sidekick, perfect for tightening those tiny screws.
⦁ Wall plate screws (optional): Sometimes these come with the bracket, but double-check just in case.
⦁ A friend (optional but highly recommended): Two minds (and maybe two pairs of hands) are better than one, especially if you’re nervous.
Mission 2: Power Down!
Safety first, agents! Prior to handling any cables, shut off the electricity to the area at the circuit breaker panel. This is similar to putting your lights into “rest mode” so you aren’t shocked unexpectedly.
Mission 3: Locate Your Target
Now, decide where you want your super cool Pico remote to live. Ideally, pick a spot that’s easy to reach with a good view of the lights you want to control. Think of it as your secret command centre!
Mission 4: Prepare for Takeoff (Bracket Installation)
Here’s where things get exciting! First, remove the existing wall plate (the dull, old-fashioned switch cover). Most of the time, these pop off with a little gentle pressure.
Next, grab your Pico wall plate bracket. These might look a little different depending on the brand, but generally, they’ll have some holes for screws. If there are any little plastic tabs on the back, carefully remove them with your fingers or a screwdriver. These are just for shipping and might make mounting the bracket flush against the wall harder.
Now, line up the bracket with the holes in the electrical box (the metal box behind the wall plate) and screw it in place using your trusty screwdriver. Be careful not to overtighten the screws – you don’t want to crack the wall!
Mission 5: Operation: Remote Attach
This is the easy part! Slide your Pico remote control into the bracket. It should snap in securely, making a satisfying click. Voila! Your remote is now ready for action.
Mission 6: Camouflage Complete (Optional Wall Plate Cover)
Some Pico remotes have a decorative wall plate cover that snaps onto the front. This is optional, but it can give your remote a more polished look and blend it in with the rest of your wall.
Mission 7: Power Up and Test!
Flip the switch back on at the breaker box, and get ready to experience the magic! Try pressing the buttons on your Pico remote. If everything is wired correctly, your lights should dance to your command.
Bonus Mission: Advanced Manoeuvres
Feeling super confident? You can also use your pico remotes to control the sound in your speakers such as in-ceiling speakers. Imagine controlling a whole surround sound by raising or lowering the volume from the palm of your hand – just like a high-tech mastermind!
Congratulations, Agent!
You’ve completed your mission and become a master of wall plate installation. Now, you can enjoy the convenience and coolness of controlling your lights (and maybe even your entertainment system) from anywhere in the room. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility – use your newfound skills wisely!

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