Essential Tips for Search Engine Optimization – Efe Dickson

Essential Tips for Search Engine Optimization – Efe Dickson

SEO is a critical component of marketing that aids in increasing the site’s exposure for relevant searches. You are not doing anything right if your website does not show up on the first page of the search engine results page. Your problems will be resolved by this post.

Before we proceed further we just want to bring to your notice, that this riveting article is powered by The Watchtower, a leading Web Design Dubai company.

If you want to make your website the benchmark for search engines and users, look at our top 10 SEO recommendations to help your website rank first.

So, let’s get started with our first tip.

  1. Voice Search Optimization 

Voice search will influence search queries in 2021. In the United States of America, 55% of households will have an intelligent speaker by 2022, predicts

In such a scenario, if you want to optimise for voice search, take the following steps:

  1. Consider selecting appropriate keywords.
  2. Always remember to build persona-based content. 
  3. Create FAQ sites since when searchers ask a query, they begin with phrases like “When,” “What,” and “Who.”

Voice search significantly enhances the user experience. Because we use it so often, search engines like Google are focused on voice search optimisation.

Websites that load fast are given preference in Google voice search. In such case, you must consistently check that:

  1. Your website is mobile-friendly.
  2. Website images have been optimised.
  3. Always go for long-tail keywords.
  4. The site loads in the shortest period possible.
  5. The response time of your server is slow.
  1. Mobile Optimization

An excellent user experience on your website shows that your target audience can easily locate it. 

Knowing these 8 mobile-friendly optimisation strategies is critical for marketers to realise the significance of making their site mobile friendly. A mobile-friendly website will undoubtedly assist with ranking.

Google’s mobile-friendly changes resulted in a substantial shift in website rankings.

Check out Google’s free mobile-friendly test to see how successful your mobile website is. Check out the Google Search Console’s “mobile usability” assessment as well.

  1. Google’s EAT Principles

EAT stands for expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. These components aid in determining whether a web page contains high-quality content.

According to Google, “content quality is an important element in ranking on search engine result pages.”

But what does Google mean by “quality”?

In layman’s words, information that meets the Google EAT principle will rank better. 

Google’s algorithms are used to provide the best results to consumers.

  1. Featured Snippet

These results are shown at the top of the page. Google selects the best response from a third-party website and presents it in the highlighted snippet using a programmed algorithm.

The following are some of the most important strategies to improve highlighted snippets:

  1. Your material in a logical manner.
  2. Make sure that one article solves a lot of the same questions.
  3. Choose photos that are appealing to the eye.
  4. Tables can be used to construct replies.
  5. Answer included snippets with distinct titles, such as “Is red meat healthy?”
  1. Image Optimization

Picture optimization can help your website appear in search engine image carousels.

Remember to utilise high-quality photographs, relevant images, and a description for your image file that is appropriate.

As spiders get more adept at crawling, include visuals in your site map. Using alt tags will also make it easier for crawlers to categorise photos.

When an image cannot be seen on a user’s screen, alt-text is provided instead.

Google uses alt-text to help users understand the context of images.

  1. Semantically Related Keywords

The interpretation of a term is what semantically related keywords are.

The ranking of a website is influenced more by semantic keywords. We connect them to the essential keywords and assist in generating appropriate traffic from the SERPs.

  1. You may also hunt for LSI keywords on Google’s SERP.
  2. Do you want to learn how to choose the best Semantic keywords?


Instead of focusing just on keywords, optimise content using subject clusters.

Choose structured data and semantic keywords carefully.

Alternatively, a thorough keyword tool can be used to complete the procedure.

  1. Building Quality Links

Google said in 2016 that developing quality links is one of their top three ranking signals.

When creating links to your content, always prioritise quality above quantity.

Here are a few practical strategies that will significantly improve the amount of links referring to your website:

  1. Obtain backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites.
  2. Regularly promote your work on social media.
  3. Consider using guest blogging and influencer marketing.
  4. Utilize social media platforms
  5. Use internet forums to get out to your target demographic.
  6. Engage your target audience by providing them with useful material.

Cutting-edge SEO marketing strategies can only be deployed by professionals like The Watchtower – a leading SEO Company Dubai and a magic hand to everything Digital Marketing, Web development, Web design and all-around IT Solutions.

  1. Local Search Listings 

Local SEO focuses on increasing the visibility of websites on search engine results pages (SERPs) in a specific area.

Because the strategy is more relevant to local audiences, optimising local SEO delivers more website traffic and conversions.

This method is the most effective way to sell your items to local clients.

“Relevance, distance, and prominence are utilised to prioritise local results,” Google states.

These criteria assist Google in determining the best match for your query “. As a result, your NAP information must be accurate and consistent.

  1. Improved User Experience

How simple it is to navigate your website will affect how well it performs in search results.

In recent years, Google has elevated user experience (UX) to a significant ranking element.

To further understand the idea, consider the following partnership between search engine optimization and user experience: User experience (UX) focuses on website visitors, whereas search engine optimization (SEO) concentrates on search engines.

As a result, both have the same objective in mind: to give people the best experience possible.

Let’s look at a few examples of how to use UX design to boost a website’s SEO performance:

  1. Simplify the navigation on your website.
  2. Improve UX Design for SEO-friendly layouts (e.g., making material digestible, etc.). Use graphics and movies whenever feasible, and make good use of CTAs.)
  3. Optimize your site load speed and choose a mobile-responsive design, since mobile search currently accounts for more than half of all traffic. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you’ll see a drop in user engagement.
  1. Why Schema markup is important?

One of the techniques that can help with SEO is schema markup. How should you use it to improve your website’s ranking?

Schema markup, or, is one of the SEO techniques. It represents your website’s semantic vocabulary (also known as microdata). 

Schema markup assists search engine robots in better understanding your content.

How should it be implemented? You may include microdata in the HTML of your web page.

It makes it easier for search engines to read your content and enhances how your website is shown to users.

For users, search engine structured data was developed.

How may Schema markup be used?

It provides data markup for all types of material. Your website should rank higher as a result.

The most common types are:

  1. Organization Schema markup — describes the firm and contains its name, logo, and contact information.
  2. Person Schema markup – it contains information on individuals, such as their names, dates of birth, education, or occupation.
  3. Local enterprise Schema markup – is an important component of local SEO since it offers information like a local business’s address, opening hours, or menu. 

It enables users to locate neighbouring stores or eateries. It is best to include these details in Schema since it informs Google that a firm has a physical store, which boosts a website’s domain authority.

  1. The product and the offer Schema markup – often include product pricing information. This is a critical schema type for businesses since it tells Google which elements are product names, product photos, availability, and so on. It may be shown in rich snippets
  2. Markup for breadcrumb Schema – It allows visitors to see where they are on the website and gives connections to their current position.
  3. Article Schema markup – used for news and blog entries aids search engines in comprehending the text. Because the authors’ bio acts as a credible source of information, this Schema is critical for the YMYL business (financial, health, medicine, vitamins, and so on). Along with the author’s photo and publication date, it should be provided in schema markup.
  4. Video Schema markup – which aids in the crawling and indexing of videos by search engines.
  5. Event Schema markup – it contains information on webinars, concerts, lectures, festivals, and other events, such as pricing, location, and date.
  6. Recipe Schema markup — this allows for the presentation of recipes as rich snippets. It’s used to highlight things such as photos, ingredients, prep time, cook time, and nutritional data.

It allows search engine robots to better grasp and evaluate your website’s content. Schema markup transforms meaningless terms into useful statements. 

It enables robots to provide users with search results that are personalised to their specific queries and intentions.

The use of schema markup improves the user experience. Users may immediately get the essential content. 

This translates to their contentment. As you may be aware, happy users equal greater rankings in search results.

To guarantee that the campaign runs well, Google requires schema markup in advertising. 

Though it’s so crucial for Google Ads, it’s probably also significant for SEO Company Dubai, even if it’s not a ranking criterion in and of itself!

Following such an outstanding piece, you can rest assured that we take website development to the next level — we not only engage in professionally – designed, easy-to-navigate websites, but we also use the most crucial elements of the modern online world to create a website that stands out! You can count on us for SEO, Web Design Company Dubai, and mobile app development in Dubai.


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