Engineering, health exhibition aims to benefit Africa, Pakistan- official

Engineering, health exhibition aims to benefit Africa, Pakistan- official

By Maureen Okon

Lahore, Feb. 26, 2022 (NAN) The Secretary of Commerce for Pakistani Government, Mr Muhammad Faruqi, says the country’s Engineering and Healthcare exhibition aims  to benefits both Pakistan and Africa in areas of trade and export.

Faruqi said this on Saturday, at the sideline of the inauguration of a three-day Engineering and Healthcare exhibition  which began on Friday  in Lahore the capital of Punjab , in Pakistan.

Faruqi added that in order to diversify, Pakistani government saw the need to promote other sectors aside from their  traditional textiles, leather and chemicals sectors to engineering, healthcare among others which are mainly value added sectors.

 He further added that Pakistan had been dealing  with traditional markets mainly United States of America, Europe, United kingdom and some other countries  like China  even with the diverse base market Pakistan was still limited.

“We have very good relationship with African countries and we have large presence of Diaspora living in Africa and we have good relationship with central Asian countries.

“But in spite of the good political relationship under traditional relationship we have not been able to translate these relationships into economic benefits of both the regions for economic benefits.

“ Naturally, the efforts are not only to diversify Pakistani export capacity but to increase and also to connect the businesses of both sides with Africa for economic growth.

“Then also to provide the opportunities for both Africa and  Pakistani businesses to thrive in providing the opportunities and platforms for representatives in Africa and not only the representatives from the countries of the business associations.

“But representatives of various regional blocs within Africa and Central Asian which will enable us to forge partnerships between both sides to benefit economically,’’ he said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Pakistan show is a unique effort in lunching Pakistani engineering and healthcare sectors to the export world which focuses on African markets.

The exhibition had in attendance delegates from 46 countries coming together in order to create linkages from both sides and to build on international corporate recognition.

Also, the show has the best exporters from across 21 engineering sectors of Pakistan. (NAN)
