Drug Dealers Ordered to Repay Meager Sums Following Police Investigation

Drug Dealers Ordered to Repay Meager Sums Following Police Investigation

Drug Dealers Ordered to Repay Minimal Sums Following Police Investigation


Drug dealers, George Medcraft and Nathan Parsons, were apprehended after filming themselves engaging in drug-related activities and possessing significant amounts of money.

The pair were found guilty of dealing cocaine and cannabis, with incriminating messages discovered on their mobile phones.

The Arrest and Drug Dealing Activities: In March 2022, George Medcraft and Nathan Parsons were stopped by police in Caerphilly while driving a white BMW. Parsons admitted to possessing a small amount of cannabis, and during the investigation, police examined Medcraft’s phone.

Disturbingly, messages related to drug dealing were found, indicating the involvement of the “Logan line,” a drugs line used to sell cocaine and crack cocaine.


The messages displayed a professional approach, including the use of “text bombs” to advertise drugs to customers.

Role and Impact of the Defendants: Medcraft played a more significant role in the drug dealing operation than Parsons, employing others to deliver drugs.

Even after being stopped by the police, the defendants resumed their drug dealing activities by March 18.

Shockingly, some messages referred to threats made to customers who worked for Medcraft.

The Logan line was estimated to supply three to four drug buyers daily, amounting to approximately 170g of cocaine valued at £17,000 and 75g of crack cocaine worth £7,560.


The Police Raid and Sentencing: On August 9, 2022, police raided the homes of the defendants, uncovering substantial quantities of drugs, cash, and drug paraphernalia.

Medcraft and Parsons were both arrested and chose not to cooperate with the police during interviews.

In the subsequent court proceedings, Medcraft pleaded guilty to two counts of being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs and received a total prison sentence of five years and three months.

Parsons, on the other hand, pleaded guilty to two counts of being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs and two counts of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs, resulting in a 40-month detention in a young offenders’ institute.

Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) Hearing and Repayment Order: During the POCA hearing at Newport Crown Court, it was revealed that Medcraft and Parsons benefited significantly from their criminal activities, with Medcraft estimated to have gained £75,000 and Parsons £58,233.


However, their actual assets were substantially lower, with Medcraft’s assets worth only £1,917 and Parsons’ assets amounting to £150.

As a result, Judge Lucy Crowther ordered the defendants to repay these minimal sums within seven days.

Failure to comply would result in additional imprisonment for both Medcraft and Parsons.

Conclusion: The case of George Medcraft and Nathan Parsons serves as a stark reminder of the consequences that drug dealing can bring.

Despite their apparent financial gains from illegal activities, the court’s repayment order reflects the limitations of their actual assets.


The legal proceedings have sought to bring accountability for their actions and to discourage similar criminal behavior in the future.


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