Critics Slam Ondo State Government’s Plan to Expand Local Councils

Critics Slam Ondo State Government’s Plan to Expand Local Councils

Opposition political parties in Ondo State are expressing strong opposition to the government’s proposal to create 33 new Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs) in the state.


The State Executive Council has approved the creation of these LCDAs, and the bill is now with the State House of Assembly for enactment.

The move is aimed at extending governance to local communities, but critics argue that it lacks proper funding and raises concerns about the state of the existing local councils.

The Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have separately voiced their disapproval, viewing the plan as a mere political ploy.

Ondo State Government’s Proposal for New LCDAs

The Ondo State Government, under the control of the All Progressives Congress (APC), has proposed the creation of 33 new Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs) in the state.


If approved by the State House of Assembly, this would increase the number of local councils from the current 18 statutory local councils to 51.

The government sees this as a measure to bring governance closer to local communities and improve their representation.

Opposition Parties Criticize the Development

However, opposition parties, including the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), have raised serious concerns about the viability and purpose of creating new LCDAs.

The SDP chairperson, Stephen Adewale, expressed skepticism about the government’s intentions, questioning the effectiveness of the existing local governments and their ability to operate independently from the state government.

He pointed out that the current local governments already suffer from insufficient funding and lack of autonomy, which may worsen if the proposed LCDAs are established.


SDP’s Stance on the Creation of LCDAs

The SDP in the state views the government’s move as a diversionary tactic to score political points.

While acknowledging the potential benefits of bringing government closer to the people, the party is concerned about the state government’s track record of withholding funds meant for the existing local governments.

They fear that the newly proposed 33 LCDAs could face similar financial challenges, leaving them powerless and dependent on the state government like the current local councils.

PDP’s Opposition to the Plan

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) also joins in criticizing the proposal, deeming it unnecessary and ill-advised.

Kennedy Peretei, the PDP’s spokesman in the state, questions the government’s decision to create new LCDAs when the existing 18 local governments have not been efficiently run and struggle with salary payment issues.


The party raises concerns about the additional financial burden the new LCDAs could place on the already struggling Ondo State economy.

They also criticize the lack of transparency surrounding the identities, names, and locations of the proposed LCDAs, seeing it as an indication of a confused government.


The opposition parties in Ondo State firmly reject the creation of 33 new Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs), citing concerns about insufficient funding, lack of autonomy, and the government’s failure to adequately manage the existing local governments.

They view the proposal as a politically motivated move and question the feasibility of implementing the plan without proper resources and transparent details about the new LCDAs.


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