Council Chairman raises alarm over bandit’s attacks in Taraba

Council Chairman raises alarm over bandit’s attacks in Taraba

The Executive Chairman of Sardauna Local Government Area in Taraba State Mr Oliver Wubon has raised an alarm over the increase of bandit’s attacks in the area which he fears may cut off the Sardauna LGA from Taraba State if not addressed.


Wubon who stated this in an interview with Voice of Nigeria in Jalingo, the Taraba State capital North Eastern Nigeria, also noted that the relocation of bandits from Zamfara as revealed in an intelligent report has further worsened the security challenges in the region.

He said between Sunday 13th to 15th February 2022, the LGA had had three banditry attack and many persons adopted without trace.

“At the end of last year we were told in an intelligent report by the security operatives that bandits from Zamfara have relocated to Taraba State and now early this year we are experiencing high level of insecurity in Sardauna LGA, between Sunday 13th to 15th February 2022 we have experienced three banditry attacks and numbers of persons were adopted between neighboring communities of Mayo Salbe and Mai Samari all in Sardauna Local Government Area and their adaptors have not contacted any of the family members”.

He narrated.

The Council Boss also noted that the road between the two communities in Mayo Salbe and Mai Samari are major flash point for bandits attacks which if nothing is done, the trend could disconnect the LGA from the State.

“If this trend is allowed to continue, it will mean that anyone from Sardauna LGA who has business to do in Jalingo the Taraba State capital will have to go through Yaounde in Cameroon and connect a flight to Abuja Nigeria’s capital and then connect a flight to Jalingo, because these flash point in Mayo Salbe and Mai Samari is also the Major road along the Sardauna hills connecting the LGA to other parts of the state “ He stated.

He also noted that the Local Government with support from the state government have mobilized all the security operatives including the local vigilantes and local hunters but their efforts have been overwhelmed due to the vast nature of the region.

“The activities of the Ambazonian Separatists along the Nigerian-Cameroon borders have also worsened the insecurity situation in the region as most of Separatists after launching an attacks in Cameroon will run back to some Nigerian communities at the border areas to take shelter and most times they cost havock to this communities, Although the Nigerian Army, Immigration and other security operatives have assured these Communities of their safety but more needs to be done”.

He called on the Federal Government to come with it Federal might as the state and the local government cannot handle the situation alone.

Ime N
Council Chairman raises alarm over bandit’s attacks in Taraba

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