British Teacher Fired for Expressing Christian Views on LGBTQI Topics in School

British Teacher Fired for Expressing Christian Views on LGBTQI Topics in School

At the age of 43, Kristie Leger made a significant decision to present the Christian perspective on LGBTQI subjects, as she believed that students were only being exposed to a one-sided narrative, as reported by Christian Concern.

This action was taken in response to what she saw as a lack of balance in the discussion.

However, this move led to a complaint from a parent who found Leger’s teachings objectionable. Subsequently, the school initiated an investigation, which ultimately culminated in Leger’s termination.

The parent’s complaint alleged that during her teachings, Leger expressed views such as describing LGBT individuals as “not fine,” characterizing their lifestyle as a “sin,” and referring to transgender individuals as merely “confused,” among other claims.

In a statement released through Christian Concern, Leger conveyed her deep compassion for LGBT individuals, particularly those struggling with gender identity.

She acknowledged her strong convictions, stating that she could not, in good conscience, teach or advocate beliefs that ran counter to her faith.

For instance, she mentioned her inability to endorse the idea that same-sex sexual relationships are positive or to affirm individuals in their gender identity struggles.

Bishop Justus Church of England School, where Leger taught, did not respond to inquiries as of Friday.

According to Christian Concern, the school authority referred Leger to the government’s Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA), which subsequently informed her that the government possesses the authority to permanently suspend a teacher for “reasons of unacceptable professional conduct.”

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