Teacher at Randfontein’s Horskool Jan Viljoen fired after sexual assault

Teacher at Randfontein’s Horskool Jan Viljoen fired after sexual assault

Following claims of sexual assault, a teacher at Randfontein’s Horskool Jan Viljoen has reportedly been fired.
The school made news on Monday after videos went viral on the internet. After a racial fight at the school spilled onto the streets, the scene became highly tense.
On Monday, a large number of parents gathered at the facility, where demonstrators were met by counter-protesters. The tension was not calmed by a visit from Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi. Due to heavy rain on Thursday night, another meeting had to be postponed.
The chaos has even alarmed Amnesty South Africa.
The human rights group also expressed their concerns about ‘racial tensions’ at Hoërskool Jan Viljoen, and  called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

“We are concerned about reports of ongoing racial tension leading to violence at Hoërskool Jan Viljoen on Friday & today amongst parents. There should be no room for racism in SA schools; all learners must be treated equally.”
Amnesty SA

Following Lesufi’s meeting with the learners, educators and parents, he said the following actions would be implemented:

  1. Racism from any quarter is condemned and will be attacked.
  2. The Principal has collated evidence and has requested anyone with information to come forward with the information. This evidence will be given to the South Africa Human Rights Commission, the Police and the SGB for further investigation.
  3. The Police will continue with the investigation of the 4 cases and submit to the NPA for a decision.
  4. The South African Human Rights Commission will be requested to investigate allegations of racism and other forms of discrimination.
  5. The SGB must continue with Disciplinary Action against the perpetrators.
  6. A staff member employed by the SGB accused of sexual harassment will be placed on precautionary suspension. Department of Social Development will take statements from any interested party.
  7. The Department will implement a programme of Diversity Management to assist the school as it goes through the crucible of transformation.
  8. In-contact classes will be suspended until Thursday, 15 February. Lessons will be provided remotely through online and other means.
  9. A parents’ meeting will be convened on Thursday.

World News