Body Language Expert Analyzes Prince Harry’s ‘Thunderous Look’ at Brother William During Coronation

Body Language Expert Analyzes Prince Harry’s ‘Thunderous Look’ at Brother William During Coronation

…By Larry John for TDPel Media. During the coronation of King Charles III, Prince Harry gave his brother, William, a “thunderous look,” according to a body language expert.

Harry was seated in the third row for the event while William had a front-row seat.

Harry was seen glancing in William’s direction in what behavioural expert Judi James described as a “telling moment.”

James noted that despite Harry’s act of bravado, there were more revealing moments and expressions from him during the ceremony.

James told Fabulous that Harry’s “severe side-eye glance” suggests he’s sneaking this thunderous look almost unintentionally.

She added that when we tell ourselves not to do something, the brain tends to hear the suggestion without processing the “don’t” command.

This suggests that the more Harry tried to stop himself from looking across at his brother, the more he couldn’t stop.


It is worth noting that Harry had no formal role in the ceremony and left for the USA immediately after the event, while William played a prominent role, kneeling at his father’s feet, pledging his loyalty, and kissing him on the cheek.


It’s not uncommon for body language experts to analyze public figures’ behaviour during high-profile events, and this instance is no exception.

While it’s difficult to know what was going through Prince Harry’s mind during the coronation, Judi James’s interpretation of his facial expressions is an interesting one.

It’s possible that Harry’s “thunderous look” was unintentional, as James suggests, or it could have been a moment of tension between the brothers.

Regardless, it’s important to remember that body language interpretation is subjective and open to different interpretations.

It’s also worth noting that Harry had no formal role in the ceremony and may have simply been an observer.

The analysis of body language during public events can provide insight into how public figures are feeling and their relationships with others, but it’s important to take these interpretations with a grain of salt.


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About the Author:

Larry John is a talented writer and journalist based in New York, USA. He is a valued contributor to TDPel Media, where he creates engaging and informative content for readers. Larry has a keen interest in current events, business, and technology, and he enjoys exploring these topics in-depth to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the issues. His writing style is characterized by its clarity, precision, and attention to detail, which make his articles a pleasure to read. Larry’s passion for storytelling has earned him a reputation as a skilled writer and a respected authority in his field.

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