Baby’s Resuscitation Note Discovered At Nurse’s Residence By The Police

Baby’s Resuscitation Note Discovered At Nurse’s Residence By The Police

Among the things discovered under nurse Lucy Letby’s bed was a letter listing the medications provided to a baby boy as he battled back from the verge of death.

The baby’s 30-minute resuscitation at the neonatal unit of the Countess of Chester Hospital resulted in the recording of the emergency medications given to him on a paper towel.

After responding to Child M’s crib monitor warning, Letby, 33, gave him rescue breaths.

She had already poisoned Child L with insulin and injected air into Child M’s bloodstream.

She denied keeping it as a memento of the assault.

Following Letby’s arrest, a blood gas reading for Child M and a paper towel were both discovered in a Morrisons bag in her bedroom.

A number of shift handover paperwork that also shouldn’t have left the hospital were also in the same suitcase.

Letby had in her possession a total of 257 of these pages, each of which listed the names of the kids she had cared for during a particular shift.

The names of the babies who were allegedly hurt by her were listed on twenty-one of the papers.

Letby denied gathering them on purpose.

She provided proof by stating, “They mean absolutely nothing to me.

I have kept many cards and pieces of paper throughout my entire life.

Jurors were informed that some of the linens were discovered in a trash bag in the garage of her Chester house on Westbourne Road.

One, however, was discovered in “pristine condition” and was dated June 1, 2010, which was her first day of employment there as a student.

The court was informed that it was discovered inside a keepsafe box with roses on it.

Letby denied getting a “thrill” out of taking a picture of a sympathy card she gave to a baby girl’s parents before the infant’s funeral.

She still had the photo of the apartment where she had killed Child I a few weeks earlier on her cell phone.

“I frequently take pictures of any cards that I have sent, even birthday cards,” the nurse said to the police.

I frequently capture them on camera.

Losing (Child I) was heartbreaking, but I believe it was great to reflect on the encouraging comments I had planned to give with that family.

There are no words to make this time any easier, Letby wrote on the card.

It was a wonderful honor to look after (Child I) and get to know your family, who always put her first and went above and beyond for her.

We won’t ever forget her, and she will always be a part of your lives.

I’m sorry I can’t be there to say farewell, but I’m thinking about you today and always.

Much love, Lucy x.

A thank-you card from the parents of twin boys, who were unaware that Letby had killed one and attempted to kill the other, was another thing she saw on her phone.

Furthermore, Letby denied “checking up” on the parents of her victims by looking them up on Facebook.

They’re just people that were on my thoughts at the moment, she added.

I stare at a lot of individuals out of general interest.

For me, it’s a typical pattern of behavior.

When someone comes to mind, I look them up.

Health News