Former House Representative Alphonsus Komsol Urges President Tinubu for Ministerial Equity in Plateau State

Former House Representative Alphonsus Komsol Urges President Tinubu for Ministerial Equity in Plateau State

Alphonsus Komsol’s Plea for Geopolitical Equity in Plateau State

Former House of Representatives member, Alphonsus Komsol, has penned an open letter to President Bola Tinubu, urging for fairness and inclusivity in ministerial appointments within Plateau State.

Appeal for Equitable Representation

Komsol’s letter emphasized the pressing need for addressing concerns of fairness, ethnic inclusion, and geopolitical balance in the political landscape of Plateau State.

Call for Zone Representation

Drawing attention to the underrepresentation of the Plateau Central Senatorial Zone in ministerial appointments, Komsol appealed for the President’s consideration in nominating the next minister from this region.

Highlighting Past Disparities

Komsol pointed out the disparity in ministerial representation, emphasizing that while the Plateau South Senatorial Zone produced several ministers, the Central Zone had only one minister since 1999, despite consistently supporting the APC.

Stressing Electoral Contributions

Highlighting the Zone’s significant electoral support for the APC over the years, Komsol emphasized the need for equitable representation, aligning it with the President’s acknowledgment of political loyalty.

Appeal for President’s Intervention

Komsol urged President Tinubu to intervene, considering the influential figures and dedicated APC supporters within the Plateau Central Senatorial Zone.

Advocating for Political Stability

The former congressman stressed the significance of the ministerial appointment in ensuring unity and stability within the APC in Plateau State, urging the President to prioritize fairness and geopolitical considerations.

Anticipation of Successor Talks

Komsol’s plea comes amid discussions on a successor for Simon Lalong in the Plateau South Senatorial Zone, following a court ruling. Previous nominations by Lalong had sparked conflicts within the Plateau APC members, as reported.
