Anambra Oil Producing Status : Ohaneze Ndigbo VP Okeke Ogene, Others Optimistic Of Brighter Prospects

Anambra Oil Producing Status : Ohaneze Ndigbo VP Okeke Ogene, Others Optimistic Of Brighter Prospects

The Vice President of Ọhaneze Ndịgbo Worldwide, Chief Damian Okeke-Ogene has extolled Governor Willie Obiano for his sustained efforts in actualizing oil producing status for Anambra State.


Speaking in Awka, Chief Okeke-Ogene noted that this has brought a new dawn to the State.


Paul Ezeoke reports that Chief Okeke-Ogene said Anambra State is now well repositioned to reap benefits of oil exploration in parts of the State after many years of struggle and sacrifice, noting that the thirteen percent derivation, which other States have been enjoying over the years would help increase the State revenue profile and provide government the needed funds to expand its activities and projects.


In his reaction, the State Vice Chairman of APGA, Anambra Central, Sir Theophine Nnoli said actualizing the oil producing status for Anambra is one of the greatest legacies of the Obiano administration and APGA government in the State, which will bring a new dawn in socio-economic activities of the State, as well as benefit present and future generations.


Sir Theophine noted that the oil producing status would increase interventions in various sectors that would enable government meet expectations of Ndị Anambra, as well as increase establishment of industries and multinational corporations and businesses in parts of the State, especially with the access provided by the Anambra International Cargo and passenger Airport at Umueri.


Also speaking, the State Chairman of Miners Association of Nigeria, Chief Henry Igboeli expressed satisfaction that at last Anambra has joined other States who have been benefiting from oil resources in their areas and equally expressed hope that the State would also receive other interventions provided in other oil producing States in health, education, employment and road infrastructure, among others.


Chief Igboeli assured that the association would assist the incoming administration of Professor Chukwuma Soludo to unlock and harness the abundant resources in the non-oil and solid mineral sector to further expand opportunities in various sectors.

He explained that this would not only strengthen the State capital base, but would also attract more investors, fast track industrial development, create employment opportunities and more windows for revenue generation.

Chief Igboeli expressed confidence that the Governor-elect, Professor Soludo has well-articulated manifesto to transform Anambra State.


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