Aisha Buhari Reveals Motivations Behind Criticism of Husband’s Policies, Highlights Family Reputation

Aisha Buhari Reveals Motivations Behind Criticism of Husband’s Policies, Highlights Family Reputation

…By Lola Smith for TDPel Media. Nigeria’s First Lady, Aisha Buhari, recently revealed the reasons behind her public criticism of some of her husband’s policies.


Her disclosure comes just a few days before President Muhammadu Buhari hands over power to his successor, Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress (APC), on May 29, 2023.

In an interview with The Sun, Aisha explained that her outspoken comments were motivated by her desire to protect her family’s reputation and provide assistance to her husband.

Safeguarding Family Reputation:

Aisha expressed her belief that any decision made solely for the benefit of an individual and not the general public should be opposed.

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She emphasized the importance of preserving the trust and love the Nigerian people had shown towards her husband when he was elected.

Aisha recognized the high expectations placed on their family and felt compelled to act to prevent any harm to their reputation.

She saw herself as a support system, acknowledging that her husband needed assistance.


Protecting the Family Name:

Aisha highlighted her disapproval of individuals who sought to tarnish her family’s hard-earned name for personal gain.

She expressed her reluctance to remain silent in the face of such actions.

As the First Lady and wife of the President, she believed it was her responsibility to speak up and defend the integrity of their family.

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Aisha’s intention was to counter any attempts to undermine the reputation they had built and maintained.


Aisha Buhari’s recent interview shed light on the motivations behind her outspoken criticism of her husband’s policies.

She explained that her actions were driven by her commitment to safeguarding the reputation of her family and providing support to her husband.

Aisha firmly believed that decisions should prioritize the interests of the general public and not be influenced by individual gain.

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By speaking up, she aimed to protect the hard-earned name and image of her husband and their family.


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About the Author:

Lola Smith is a highly experienced writer and journalist with over 25 years of experience in the field. Her special interest lies in journalistic writeups, where she can utilize her skills and knowledge to bring important stories to the public eye. Lola’s dedication to her craft is unparalleled, and she writes with passion and precision, ensuring that her articles are informative, engaging, and thought-provoking. She lives in New York, USA.

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