Chaos in Rivers State as Multiple Explosions Engulf Port Harcourt’s Vital Transit Hub, Leaving Destruction and Chaos in Their Wake

Chaos in Rivers State as Multiple Explosions Engulf Port Harcourt’s Vital Transit Hub, Leaving Destruction and Chaos in Their Wake

Explosions Rock Port Harcourt Jetty:

A series of catastrophic explosions shook the Bonny-Bille-Nembe Jetty in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, on Monday, causing extensive damage and destruction to goods and properties valued at millions of naira.

This latest disaster adds to a tragic history of incidents at the jetty, including a fatal fire in April 2022 that claimed several lives, including that of a pregnant woman and a two-month-old baby.

Horrific Scene Unfolds:

The jetty, a vital transit point for riverine communities, witnessed a horrifying scene as multiple explosions engulfed over six market boats, trapping passengers and setting ablaze nearby structures.

The inferno, still raging, has caused chaos and panic among traders and travelers at the jetty, with thick black smoke billowing into the atmosphere.

Eyewitness Reports and Response:

According to eyewitness accounts, the fire started with an explosion on houseboats suspected to be carrying illegally refined oil.

The initial blast triggered further explosions, engulfing nearby makeshift buildings and structures.

Despite the chaos, workers at the jetty and volunteers took action, attempting to extinguish the flames by mixing detergents and sand in water.

However, the fire continued to spread, fueled by the flammable materials aboard the boats and the difficulty of accessing certain areas submerged in the river.

Frenzy and Salvage Efforts:

In the frenzy that ensued, traders and travelers scrambled to save whatever belongings they could amidst the chaos and uncertainty.

As the flames continued to rage, efforts to contain the fire and mitigate its impact were hampered by the challenging conditions and the ongoing threat posed by the inferno.

Ongoing Impact:

The devastating explosions at the Bonny-Bille-Nembe Jetty have left a trail of destruction and uncertainty in Port Harcourt, with the full extent of the damage yet to be determined.

As the community grapples with the aftermath of this tragedy, questions arise about the safety and security measures in place to prevent such disasters in the future.

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