The community said that their channel “has not used its videos to deceive or defraud anyone” and that “they are not even monetized, because HM Television-EUK Mamie never had the intention of obtaining economic benefit, but rather to evangelize, entrusting the future of the channel to God’s Providence.”
The community has since created a new English-language YouTube channel titled “HM Television (International),” the new channel currently has only 286 subscribers. The community also re-posted the documentary on its “Home of the Mother” channel. The video currently has 7,000 views.
Home of the Mother said that it was “saddest” to lose the previously posted documentary “because of the many comments of people sharing their testimonies and stories.”
“Daily people sent testimonies, both written and oral, of the great spiritual good received through this documentary,” Home of the Mother said. “Conversions, young people who discover or accept their vocation to the consecrated life or to the priesthood, vocations ‘saved’ in a moment of crisis, graces received, and many lives changed by Sister Clare’s witness of conversion and dedication to God.”
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“This video radiated too much light and the Lord of Darkness could not bear it,” the statement went on. “But perhaps we can get it back if we fight together in defense of religious freedom and freedom of conscience. Remember that apt saying of Edmund Burke: ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’
“We ask for your help to spread this message and to publicize this denunciation in all the ways and means at your disposal. We also ask for the help of your prayers, so that the Lord may allow us to recover this tool at the service of evangelization.”
YouTube has not yet responded to CNA’s request for comment.
Peter Pinedo is a DC Correspondent for CNA. A graduate of Franciscan University, Peter previously worked for Texas Right to Life. He is a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserve.
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