Tobi Makinde Applauds Funke Akindele’s Record-Breaking Billion Naira Box Office Success

Tobi Makinde Applauds Funke Akindele’s Record-Breaking Billion Naira Box Office Success

Praise for Funke Akindele’s Record-Breaking Success

Tobi Makinde, a prominent figure in Nollywood as an actor and film director, showered accolades on Funke Akindele, his superior, for her extraordinary success at the box office.

Akindele recently made history in the Nigerian film industry by achieving the remarkable feat of grossing one billion naira in an impressively short duration, setting a groundbreaking record.

Akindele’s Remarkable Financial Triumph

With earnings totaling an astounding one billion, sixty million, seven hundred and eleven thousand, four hundred and ninety-one dollars, Akindele’s movies—namely, “A Tribe Called Judah,” “Battle On Buka Street,” and “Omo Ghetto The Saga”—have now secured their place as the highest-grossing films in Nollywood’s history, as per the Wikipedia Nollywood grossing table.

Tobi Makinde’s Encomium for Akindele

Expressing his admiration and respect, Tobi Makinde, who served as one of the directors for Akindele’s film, took to Instagram to extol her achievements.

He lauded her as an Amazon, emphasizing that she has etched her name indelibly in the annals of success. Makinde hailed her as a testament to the notion that determination and prioritizing faith can lead to phenomenal accomplishments.

Celebrating Akindele’s Unmatched Success

In an emotive statement on his Instagram post, Makinde concluded with words celebrating the enormity of Akindele’s achievement, praising her for carving her name into a rock that can never be erased.

He congratulated her on the remarkable milestone of achieving a billion naira, signifying the significance of her groundbreaking accomplishment in the industry.

Tobi Makinde’s effusive praise for Funke Akindele not only recognizes her monumental achievement but also serves as a testament to her resilience and determination, cementing her legacy in the history of Nollywood as a trailblazing figure.

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