Scorned Suitor Decries Lady’s No-Show After Sending Transportation Funds, Says Paltry Sum Wouldn’t Cover Trip

Scorned Suitor Decries Lady’s No-Show After Sending Transportation Funds, Says Paltry Sum Wouldn’t Cover Trip

Man Sends Money, Woman Doesn’t Visit

A man sent 20,000 naira to a woman so she could travel to visit him in Abuja. However, the woman did not end up making the trip, leading the disappointed man to refer to her as a “419 woman” in a voice note.

Man Urges Woman to Stop Collecting Funds

In the recording, the man urges the woman, Nancy, to stop taking money from men if she won’t actually visit them afterwards. He expressed frustration over the situation.

Woman Claims Sum Too Little for Transport

Nancy insisted the 20K was too insignificant for her to get transport all the way to Abuja from her undisclosed location. She commented the man should have booked her a flight instead.

Online Commenters Weigh In

Reactions online ranged from supportive of Nancy’s stance to critical. Some felt the amount was indeed too little, while others said she got herself into a problematic situation.

Woman Praised for Choice

Some commenters praised Nancy for her decision, saying that even Abuja-based women often don’t get adequate support from men they visit. Overall, opinions were mixed on the situation.
