Xi Jinping Expresses Support for Tesla’s Development in China During Meeting with Elon Musk

Xi Jinping Expresses Support for Tesla’s Development in China During Meeting with Elon Musk

Elon Musk recently met with China’s President, Xi Jinping, in San Francisco, attending a reception after the APEC summit.

However, the meeting was overshadowed by Musk’s involvement in an antisemitism controversy.

Meeting with President Xi Jinping:

Elon Musk proudly shared a photo on Thursday of his meeting with China’s President, Xi Jinping. Musk, expressing excitement about the encounter, mentioned that it was their second meeting.

He conveyed contentment with the progress of his ventures in China and expressed hope for collaboration between China and the United States for global prosperity.

Business Leaders’ Dinner:

Despite not staying for the $40,000-per-seat dinner in Xi’s honor, Musk attended the reception.

The dinner, attended by prominent figures such as Tim Cook and Stanley Deal, featured a list of distinguished business leaders.

Musk’s absence at the dinner was shared with Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff and executives from Pfizer, Nike, and FedEx.

Tesla’s Progress in China:

Tesla China reported that President Xi Jinping expressed support for Tesla’s development in China during the meeting.

Musk, in response, expressed gratitude and acknowledged China’s rapid progress in the new energy vehicle industry.

The statement highlighted Tesla’s ten-year presence in the Chinese market and the significance of the Shanghai Gigafactory.

Antisemitism Controversy:

The meeting occurred amid a controversy involving Elon Musk’s platform.

Musk had initially agreed with an antisemitic post on his platform, later attempting to backtrack and clarify his stance.

Reports revealed that his platform paid ad revenue shares to a virulent antisemite, Hitler fan, and Holocaust denier.

Response and Fallout:

In response to the controversy, Musk faced criticism and scrutiny.

Media Matters for America unearthed information about financial support to an antisemite, further intensifying the backlash.

Musk, in defense, labeled Media Matters as an “evil organization.”

The controversy added to Musk’s history of involvement in and reactions to incidents related to antisemitism.

Elon Musk’s meeting with President Xi Jinping provides insight into the ongoing dynamics between Tesla and China.

However, the overshadowing antisemitism controversy underlines the challenges Musk faces in managing both his business ventures and the public perception of his actions on social media.

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