What You Need To Know About ATM Dispense Error

What You Need To Know About ATM Dispense Error

What is a Dispense Error?

It is an error that occurs when your account is debited for a transaction and value is not received, EITHER:
Your transaction fails at the point of making payments via POS/Web but your account is debited for the same value.
Cash is not dispensed from the ATM but the exact amount has been debited from your account.

What do I need to do to resolve a Dispense Error?

Typically, money reversal is automatic and takes some time as stated below:
Local Transactions – Your bank’s ATM 24 hours
POS/Merchant Website – 3 working days
Other Bank’s ATMs/POS/Merchant Website – 2 – 3 working days
Foreign Transactions International Terminals – 45 days

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