In response to concerns expressed by some religious sisters about the upcoming synod, Pope Francis emphasized that such apprehensions often stem from underlying ideologies that can divide the faithful. He noted that certain doctrines, when tainted by ideologies, lose their authentic Catholic essence and become diluted like “distilled water” lacking taste. The Pope acknowledged that true Catholic doctrine can sometimes be scandalous but emphasized that ideologies, being devoid of the essence of faith, never provoke such reactions.
Regarding the format of the synod discussions being held behind closed doors, Pope Francis defended the transparency of the process. He mentioned the Commission for Information, led by layman Paolo Ruffini, which will issue press releases to provide updates on the synod’s proceedings. The Pope stressed the importance of preserving the religiosity and loyalty of the participants while avoiding gossip. He urged that information about the synod should reflect the Christian spirit, not a political one, emphasizing that the Holy Spirit is the true protagonist of the synod.
The Commission for Information is a regular feature of past Synod of Bishops assemblies, and its role is to ensure accurate and constructive communication. What sets this synod apart is the inclusion of voting delegates who are not bishops, such as laypeople, priests, consecrated women, and deacons, marking a significant development in the synodal process initiated by Pope Francis in 2021. This process, involving diocesan, national, and continental stages, will culminate in two global assemblies at the Vatican. The Instrumentum Laboris guiding the discussions at the synod addresses various topics, including women deacons, priestly celibacy, and LGBTQ outreach, reflecting the diverse perspectives within the Church.
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