Want To Learn How To Play Piano? Here’s Your Step-by-step Guide

Want To Learn How To Play Piano? Here’s Your Step-by-step Guide

Do you want to master the piano? Then you’re in the right spot.

The piano, with its 88 keys, rich heritage, and numerous celebrity associations, is a formidable instrument. It is, however, a simple one. Playing the piano is a skill that anyone can learn at any age.

This guide will lead you from never touching a piano to performing your first notes and tunes. You will also acquire basic skills, excellent habits, and ample motivation to learn how to play piano correctly.

Acquaint Yourself With Your Notes

Learning music notes now might feel foreign. Remember that learning the alphabet was also foreign when you were a kid. You’ve developed the capacity to read and overcome your fear of written words because of your inquisitive nature and the frequent exposure to the speaking and writing around you. A similar thing will happen with musical notes. These are the musical equivalent of the alphabet, and with enough practice, you’ll be able to read them by ear just as quickly as you’re reading this sentence.

Here goes:

Photo by Siniz Kim on Unsplash

Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do is a well-known piece of music that was included in the movie “The Sound of Music.” Let’s get you started with it. You’ve heard of it, right? Sing it as loudly as you can. The letters A through G are used to denote music notes. You’ll employ these notes to both hone your ear for pitch and master the instrument’s keys.

  • Middle C refers to the note that sits directly in the middle of the staff. Let’s locate Middle C and study the piano keys while sitting in the center of your keyboard.

A helpful hint is that the chords on the treble clef (the top of the staff) have a higher pitch, while the keys on the bass clef (the bottom) have a lower pitch. However, unless otherwise specified, the right hand is typically used to play the treble clef notes (higher notes) corresponding to the notes to the right of Middle C.

Acquaint Oneself With the Piano Keys

Black keys, typically found in pairs or trios, play sharp and flat (b) notes. Find the middle of your piano, where you’ll find a cluster of five black keys (one set of three and one set of two).

The piano’s middle pair of black keys are separated by a white key called middle C. Put finger 1 (the thumb on your right hand) on the middle C note. The key directly to the left of any pair of two black keys on the piano is a C, as can be seen if you move up and down the whole length of the device. Spend time reviewing your finger position as you place the musical notes on the correct piano keys.

Learning the Basic Chords

Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

Now position your fingers on the piano, and let’s have fun making some melody. Keep in mind that you should begin at Middle C and that you can go up and down the piano to become comfortable with the different keys.

How to Make Use of Lead Sheets

In case you’re not aware of this simple musical fact, chords are the fundamental elements of music, but what exactly does this mean?

A chord, in its most basic definition, is a set of notes that, when performed simultaneously, provide a pleasing musical effect. It’s common practice to give chord names, such as “C,” “Amin7,” or “Gsus4.”

Lead sheets are a form of sheet music that you can think of as a hybrid between a full score and a chord chart. A lead sheet is a sheet that only displays the melody of a song, along with the chords that should be played over the piece.

These sheets are helpful for musicians because they allow them to comfortably play the tune of a piece without having to work it out by ear while allowing for a great deal of leeway for creative experimentation with the backing.

Knowing a melody and chord progression well enough to create your riffs and fills is where the fun begins.

Putting forth a Little More Effort

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s shake things up by playing another simple tune called “Jingle Bells.” Take time to familiarize yourself with the music sheet and the graphic that shows the keys for this tune. All it takes is a quick Google search. When you see 4/4 above the clef, you know that each measure/bar should have four beats (1, 2, 3, and 4). Go to the next step to become familiar with the count assigned to each note on the music sheet.

Notes and Rhythm in Music

Photo by OC Gonzalez on Unsplash

Each note indicates the appropriate count it should receive (what duration should you have with the key). The music sheet only uses three notes, although there are more than that (research those). Find each note individually, and then consult the musical table below to learn its corresponding count.

  • A complete note consists of four beats (1 and -2 and – 3 and – 4 and).
  • The duration of a half note is two beats (1 and 2 and).
  • One beat equals a quarter note (1 and)

Next, put the pieces together.

In the opening measure, there are three E notes. The two smaller ones are quarter notes, and the larger ones are half notes. Repeat these until you have the feel of it, then go on to the other durations and practice playing them one after the other so that you can repeat them in a row.

Practice and Review

Review steps one through six, then continue with your practice sessions until you can play Do-Re-Mi flawlessly. After you’ve mastered the basics of playing the piano and reading music, you can advance to more complex pieces that require using both hands.


Finally, your growth will be determined by how much and how well you train. One thing is sure, however: someone’s ability to perform a tune that looks great on the piano does not automatically make them a competent pianist.

Yet, if you’re dedicated, you can acquire fundamental abilities quickly. If you are yet to play your first notes on the piano, you can learn to play “Imagine” by the end of the week. Time, effort, and the appropriate learning resources will take care of the rest.
