Vice President Urges Lawmakers-elect to Prioritize Nigeria’s Stability in National Assembly Leadership Election

Vice President Urges Lawmakers-elect to Prioritize Nigeria’s Stability in National Assembly Leadership Election

…By Jack Sylva for TDPel Media. Vice President Kashim Shettima has made an appeal to lawmakers-elect, urging them to prioritize the stability of Nigeria while electing the presiding officers of the 10th National Assembly on Tuesday.


The election of the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives is set to take place during the inauguration on June 13.

Vice President’s Plea for Unity and Stability:

Speaking at a valedictory session, Vice President Shettima called upon the lawmakers-elect to place the unity and stability of the country above their personal interests.

Emphasizing the importance of national stability, he urged them to consider the greater good of Nigeria when making their decisions on Tuesday.

He reminded them that the stability of the nation is more significant than any personal gain they might seek.

Aspirant Gagdi’s Meetings with President Tinubu and Future Plans:

In related news, Honorable Yusuf Gagdi, a front-line aspirant for the Speakership race, has visited President Bola Tinubu three times in the past 72 hours at the Presidential Villa in Abuja.

Gagdi took to his official Twitter handle to inform his followers about the purpose of these meetings, which revolved around his ambition to become the Speaker of the 10th House of Representatives and the leadership issue of the 10th Assembly.


Expressing gratitude to the President for the honor and display of support, Gagdi revealed that he engaged in discussions and consultations with other aspirants in the race, as well as national party leaders, to determine the best way forward.

He assured his supporters that he will soon make an official statement regarding his aspirations ahead of the June 13 inauguration of the 10th House of Representatives.

Gagdi called for calm among his supporters while the deliberations and consultations take place.


As Nigeria’s National Assembly prepares for the election of key leadership positions, Vice President Shettima’s plea for unity and stability resonates as a crucial reminder for lawmakers-elect.

The forthcoming leadership election holds significant implications for the nation’s progress, and the Vice President’s call to prioritize the stability of Nigeria over personal interests serves as a timely reminder.

Meanwhile, Honorable Yusuf Gagdi’s meetings with President Tinubu indicate the strategic discussions taking place among aspirants, underscoring the importance of these positions in shaping the future of the 10th House of Representatives.


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