Founder of Controversial Nine O’Clock Service Faces Court on Rape and Indecent Assault Charges Dating Back Decades

Founder of Controversial Nine O’Clock Service Faces Court on Rape and Indecent Assault Charges Dating Back Decades

Rev. Christopher Brain, former head of the Nine O’Clock Service (NOS) in Sheffield, has made a court appearance, confronted with allegations of rape and numerous counts of indecent assault against women within his congregation.

Allegations Stemming from the NOS Era

The charges against Brain, aged 66, reach back over four decades, spanning the period between 1981 and 1995 when the Nine O’Clock Service was at its zenith.

Reports suggest that he is accused of sexually assaulting 11 women aged 16 and above during this time frame.

Details of the Allegations

The allegations against Brain are chilling, including instances where he purportedly re-enacted rape scenes, pinned women down, and engaged in other forms of sexual misconduct, both single incidents and multiple offenses.

The charges outline a pattern of indecent behavior, ranging from kissing and fondling to more invasive acts like digital penetration.

Legal Proceedings and Court Appearance

Brain appeared before Sheffield Magistrates’ Court, donning a mask amidst a throng of photographers.

The gravity of the accusations prompted the district judge to transfer the case to Sheffield Crown Court for further deliberation, scheduled for April 15.

Despite the severity of the charges, Brain was released on unconditional bail following the brief hearing.

Revisiting the NOS Legacy

The Nine O’Clock Service gained notoriety in the 1990s for its unconventional approach to worship, drawing parallels to nightclub atmospheres with vibrant performances and contemporary music.

However, the movement eventually disbanded amidst controversy, and Brain’s recent legal troubles cast a shadow over its legacy.

Appeal for Information and Closure

South Yorkshire Police have urged any additional victims or witnesses to come forward as the investigation unfolds.

The charges underscore the need for accountability and justice, particularly concerning historic offenses that have long-lasting impacts on survivors and communities alike.

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