Vatican Incident: Car Breaches Gate as Driver in Psychiatric Distress Escapes Swiss Guards

Vatican Incident: Car Breaches Gate as Driver in Psychiatric Distress Escapes Swiss Guards

…By Lola Smith for TDPel Media. A car driven by an individual exhibiting signs of psychiatric issues forcefully entered the Vatican through a gate, evading Swiss Guards before being apprehended by the police, according to the Holy See.


Car Rushes Through Gate:

Vatican gendarmes attempted to stop the speeding car by firing a shot at its front tires after it burst through the gate.

Despite this, the vehicle managed to continue on its path, as reported by the Vatican press office in a late Thursday statement.

Arrest at the San Damaso Courtyard:

Upon reaching the San Damaso Courtyard of the Apostolic Palace, the driver disembarked from the car and was promptly detained by Vatican gendarmes.

Driver’s Condition and Proximity to Pope Francis:

The Vatican stated that the driver, approximately 40 years old, was in a severe state of mental and physical alteration.

It remained uncertain whether Pope Francis was in the vicinity during the incident, which occurred after 8 pm at the Santa Anna gate, a primary entrance to the Vatican City State in Rome.

Rare Incursion and Restricted Access:

This occurrence marked a rare intrusion into the city-state, much of which is typically off-limits to the general public, particularly during nighttime.


While visitors are permitted access to St. Peter’s Basilica and the Vatican Museums during regular hours, entry to other buildings within the enclave necessitates permission.

The incident shed light on the rigorous security measures in place to safeguard the Apostolic Palace, which houses the papal apartments, reception rooms, and offices, and is vigilantly guarded by Swiss Guards and gendarmes at various checkpoints.

Prior Incidents of Disturbance:

This is not the first instance where an individual with apparent psychiatric problems has caused disruption at the Vatican.

During a Christmas Eve Mass in 2009, a woman scaled the barricade of St. Peter’s Basilica in an attempt to attack Pope Benedict XVI.

While the Pope was unharmed, a cardinal accompanying him suffered a broken hip amidst the commotion.


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About the Author:

Lola Smith is a highly experienced writer and journalist with over 25 years of experience in the field. Her special interest lies in journalistic writeups, where she can utilize her skills and knowledge to bring important stories to the public eye. Lola’s dedication to her craft is unparalleled, and she writes with passion and precision, ensuring that her articles are informative, engaging, and thought-provoking. She lives in New York, USA.

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