UAEU conducts ‎workshops on ‘Wellbeing’‏ at Expo 2020 Dubai

UAEU conducts ‎workshops on ‘Wellbeing’‏ at Expo 2020 Dubai

DUBAI, 7th February, 2022 -The Emirates Centre for Happiness ‎Research at the United Arab Emirates ‎University (UAEU) has conducted, over two ‎days, workshops on the centre’s role ‎and initiatives on wellbeing, as part ‎of the university’s pavilion activities at ‎Expo 2020 Dubai, in the presence of ‎several DP World employees‏.

Noof Aljneibi, Director of the Centre, said that these workshops ‎aim to shed light on its ‎goals, mission and vision, and significant research.

“The ‎wellbeing or positive psychology ‎helps individuals define and refine ‎their strengths to use them for their ‎best interest to live with clear goals ‎and wellbeing‏,” she added.

During the workshop, ‎Aljneibi discussed the term wellbeing ‎compared to happiness, ‎explaining that wellbeing is the ‎broad umbrella for different aspects ‎of an individual’s life.

Happiness is a ‎momentary feeling experienced by ‎the individual in a particular situation and the importance of balancing the wellbeing aspects.

She added, “The UAE has made ‎great efforts in communicating the ‎concept of wellbeing among ‎individuals in the country.

The first ‎of these efforts is the appointment of ‎a minister dedicated to happiness ‎and wellbeing, who announced the ‎National Programme for Happiness and ‎Wellbeing, through which many ‎local and international initiatives ‎were introduced‏.


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