Two Indian teachers caught on tape having sex suspended after videos go viral

Two Indian teachers caught on tape having sex suspended after videos go viral

Controversy has erupted in Maharashtra’s Beed district as a video featuring two teachers allegedly engaging in sexual acts within their educational institute went viral.

The explicit video, widely circulated on social media, has sparked a strong reaction from parents and the institute’s administration.

Institute Takes Swift Action

According to a report by TOI, the institute’s administration has filed a complaint with the Maharashtra police, highlighting that the accused teachers, employed in a minority educational institute, were captured in an intimate relationship within the campus premises, with the act recorded on video.

Timeline of Events

The incident came to light on November 15 when a peon working at the institute alerted the administration. However, by the time the administration could respond, the recordings had already gone viral on various social media platforms.

In response, the institute promptly terminated the employment of four teachers involved in the video—two seen in the act and two additional female teachers.

Voluntary Retirement and Police Complaint

Additionally, two female teachers have chosen voluntary retirement in connection to the scandal. On December 9, the police registered a complaint against the male teacher and others responsible for sharing the video clips on social media.

An investigation has been initiated, and the accused teacher is currently in hiding with his phones switched off.

Legal Actions Underway

An FIR has been filed against the male teacher under sections 292 (2) (obscene material), 294 (obscenity), 500 (defamation) of the Indian Penal Code, and various provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000.

The legal proceedings underscore the severity of the situation and the potential legal consequences for those involved in the scandal.

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