Transport for Wales Investigates Allegations of Sexual Harassment at Bus Stops

Transport for Wales Investigates Allegations of Sexual Harassment at Bus Stops

…By Alan Peterson for TDPel Media. Transport for Wales (TfW) is currently investigating three cases of alleged sexual harassment at bus stops.


The organization has expressed its commitment to addressing such incidents seriously and has apologized to the affected women for the unacceptable behavior.

Incidents of Sexual Harassment:

According to the women who spoke to ITV, they experienced sexual harassment while waiting for rail replacement bus services between Pontypridd and Treherbert on separate occasions.

A man claiming to be a TfW worker approached them and subjected them to inappropriate comments and questions of a sexual nature.

It remains unclear whether these incidents involved the same individual.

Uncomfortable Interactions:

One of the women, aged 26, reported being approached by a man who identified himself as a TfW worker.

She alleged that he asked her inappropriate sexual questions and made comments about her appearance.


The man’s persistence, including requesting her phone number, made her feel unsafe and extremely uncomfortable.

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Persistent Harassment:

Another woman, aged 22, shared her experience of feeling extremely uncomfortable at the bus stop.

After being approached by a man wearing high-visibility clothing who asked if she was waiting for the rail replacement bus, he continued to engage her despite her attempts to disengage.

He complimented her looks and expressed his fondness for girls in the area, even considering moving closer to them.

Inappropriate Advances:

The third woman, aged 23, claimed that a staff member made inappropriate remarks about her body and expressed a desire to have children with her.

This encounter left her feeling very unsafe and violated.

TfW’s Response and Actions:

Transport for Wales’ Chief Customer and Culture Officer, Marie Daly, issued an apology to the affected women and emphasized the seriousness with which TfW treats such allegations.

The organization is working with various agencies to provide support for their rail replacement bus services and has committed to conducting a thorough investigation into these incidents.


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TfW will follow appropriate discipline procedures and, if necessary, cooperate fully with any law enforcement investigation.

Reviewing and strengthening safety measures for customers using their services is also a priority.

Encouragement to Report and Support:

TfW and the British Transport Police have encouraged victims of sexual harassment to report incidents promptly.

TfW advises passengers to use the British Transport Police text service or call the designated helpline for non-emergency crimes.

British Transport Police assured victims that all reports would be taken seriously and emphasized the importance of reporting to identify patterns, enhance patrols, and gather intelligence on offenders.


Addressing incidents of sexual harassment is a top priority for Transport for Wales, as they strive to create a safe environment for all passengers.

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Collaboration with law enforcement and other agencies will ensure a thorough investigation and appropriate action against those responsible for the unacceptable behavior.

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About the Author:

Alan Peterson is a talented writer who creates engaging and informative content for TDPel Media. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Alan has established himself as a respected authority in his field. He is a dedicated professional who is committed to providing readers with accurate and up-to-date news and information. Alan’s ability to distill complex ideas into easily digestible pieces has earned him a loyal following among TDPel Media’s readers. In addition to his writing work, Alan is an avid reader and enjoys exploring new topics to expand his knowledge and expertise. He lives in Scotlant, United Kingdom.


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