Top Features For Progressive Web App Development

Top Features For Progressive Web App Development

By simply adding manifest, service worker, and logo to the codebase, you can transform your website into an installable progressive web app.

But that’s not all, today we will look at some features that you didn’t know existed and can be highly impactful for your business.

Before getting started with these top features, let’s look at a few market stats of PWAs:

  • The global market of progressive web apps is anticipated to reach $10.44 billion at a CAGR of 31.9% by 2027, according to Global Newswire.
  • According to Google, the number of Progressive Web Apps installed on desktops has grown 270% YoY.
  • Even Forbes has gained a 43% improvement in user sessions, a 20% increase in page impressions, and a 100% hike in engagement.

What is Progressive Web App?

A progressive web app is a hybrid of native apps and web pages that offers functionalities lacking in web pages like offline working and pushes notifications. To put it simply, progressive web apps are websites that act and work as native apps.

Brands like Forbes, Starbucks, BMW, Pinterest, Spotify, Ola, Uber, AliExpress, and Washington Post are already taking advantage of PWAs.

Top Must-Have Features of Progressive Web Application

Worrying about the features that your PWA should entail? Don’t fret! Here is the list of top must-have features of progressive web apps that you should know about.

  • Connectivity Independence: One of the most interesting features of progressive web apps is that they are connectivity independent, i.e., they can work offline or with a low internet connection. It uses a service worker, a JavaScript file, to cache the shell of the PWA, making the pages load instantly on repeated visits.

Besides, the app is refreshed every time that connection is back while the user won’t even notice much difference between offline and online mode when it comes to historical data and interface.

  • Push Notifications: Similar to a native app, PWAs can also entail push notification features that send pop-up messages on the notification tab or lock screen of the user. Although the feature is powerful to engage with users, having a good message strategy can keep the customer interested enough to open and use the PWA more.
  • Auto-Updates: Unlike native apps whose update deployments are difficult and hectic as you have to continuously review requests for changes until approved. Updating PWAs is a lot easier as whenever you make changes they are automatically applied to the web app without delay. Moreover, a user doesn’t have to worry about updating the apps frequently to keep them secure and gain access to new features.
  • Add to Home Screen Option: Users don’t have to download and install PWAs like native web apps from Play Store or App Store. All they have to do is visit the web app and add the store icon on their screen for easier access.

As we know, not all users would want to download an unknown app onto their devices, so, a PWA can be a flexible solution that suits the different levels of user engagement – from prospect to repeat to loyal.

  • App-Like Interface: The whole idea behind PWAs is to provide a native app experience with the nature of the web. Hence, a PWA needs to mimic user interactions and navigation of a native application.
  • Responsiveness & Compatibility: PWAs are based on progressive enhancement principles that are a web strategy emphasizing core web page content. This helps users to gain access to the basic functionality and content of the web app, regardless of their internet speed and browser.

Put simply, PWAs are compatible and responsive for every device a user might own.

  • Better Security: Security is one of the main concerns given the ever-increasing number of cyber threats. To achieve the same, a PWA needs to work on a secured network protocol like HTTPS, use tools and methodologies shared in OWASP Security Risks, and follow content security policy.
  • Form Submission & Live Chat: Other features that you can incorporate in your PWA are the live chat option and form submissions for users to easily connect with you. This will act as a great engagement tool between users and businesses. It will help your audience connect with you directly without searching for email details and waiting till you share a response to solve their problem. 

While adding a feedback form submission, will help you to gain user insights, understand their requirements and improve the PWA.

  • Analytics: Incorporating an analytics tool into your PWA will help you monitor its performance and understand user behavior. Other than feedback, analytics is a great feature to know the needs of the users and continue to improve. Also, analytics allows you to identify trends, mitigate fraud, and deliver optimized and personalized content to consumers.
  • Discoverability: Although PWAs are classified as apps, they are not distributed in app stores. PWA is more like a website, hence can be located through search engines and shared through URLs. So, while you develop and make your PWA live, make sure to work on its SEO as well.
  • Appointment Scheduling: If you are a business (like a dentist, real estate agency, hairdresser, etc) that needs to make appointments with its users, make sure to include an appointment scheduling feature in the progressive web app. Adding this feature will help your customers easily book appointments at your available time.


So that was all about Progressive Web Apps and the features that should be considered when hiring developers to create one. Having these features in your progressive web app is going to make it much more useful for both you and your customers. 

We hope you found it useful and will implement some of these features in your next project.

Before you hire developers to build a PWA for your business, make sure to check their previous work and client reviews to ensure that you have found an experienced team of developers.

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