The LAWA Fellowship Program at Georgetown University

The LAWA Fellowship Program at Georgetown University

The LAWA Fellowship Program, established in 1993 at Georgetown University Law Center, stands as a beacon for women’s human rights lawyers in Africa.

This transformative initiative aims to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to champion the cause of women and girls upon their return to their home countries.

Over the years, the program has welcomed over 80 advocates from diverse African nations, fostering a community dedicated to advancing women’s rights.

Program Overview:

The LAWA Fellowship spans approximately 14 months, commencing in July and concluding in August of the following year.

The journey begins with the Fellows participating in the Foundations of American Law and Legal Education course at the Georgetown Law Center.

Post this foundational phase, the LAWA Fellows return to their home countries, armed with enhanced legal expertise and a commitment to drive positive change in their communities.

The structured timeline and curriculum of the LAWA Fellowship reflect its comprehensive approach to legal education, ensuring a holistic understanding of American law while preparing Fellows for the specific challenges they may encounter in their respective contexts.

Fellowship Benefits:

The LAWA Fellowship covers the tuition for the Foundations of American Law and Legal Education Course, an invaluable U.S. $5,000 benefit, and funds the LL.M. degree, a significant U.S. $66,650 benefit, both offered at Georgetown University Law Center.

Additionally, the program provides professional development training to empower Fellows in their pursuit of women’s human rights advocacy.

The financial support provided by the fellowship underscores Georgetown University’s commitment to empowering women’s human rights advocates, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their pursuit of advanced legal education.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be considered for the LAWA Program, applicants must be women’s human rights lawyers from Africa holding an LL.B. or equivalent law degree.

Preference is given to candidates currently residing and working in Africa, with a preference for those without a Master’s degree.

Proficiency in English, a commitment to women’s rights, and the ability to demonstrate financial capability for additional expenses are key eligibility criteria.

The eligibility criteria prioritize diversity, ensuring that women from different African nations and varying career stages have the opportunity to contribute to the program’s enriching dynamics.

Application Process:

The LAWA Program adopts a meticulous application process, requiring candidates to fill out the application on a computer, with a preference for those who have basic computer skills.

The application and reference letters must be in English, emphasizing the importance of language proficiency.

Candidates are evaluated not only based on qualifications but also on their ability to follow application instructions.

The emphasis on a digital application process and language proficiency reflects the program’s commitment to preparing Fellows for contemporary legal practice and research, addressing potential challenges head-on.

Commitment and Academic Rigor:

Successful candidates must commit to returning to their home countries after completing the Fellowship and dedicating their professional efforts to advancing women’s human rights.

The LAWA Program’s rigorous academic curriculum demands exceptional focus and hard work, including the completion of a Master’s Thesis, showcasing the seriousness of the academic commitment expected from participants.

The commitment to returning home and contributing to women’s rights aligns with the program’s overarching goal of creating a sustainable impact.

The emphasis on academic rigor reinforces the transformative nature of the LAWA Fellowship.


Georgetown University’s LAWA Fellowship Program stands as a testament to the power of legal education in fostering positive change.

As it continues to empower women’s human rights advocates in Africa, the program remains a cornerstone in the journey towards gender equality and justice.

The diverse and dedicated community of LAWA Fellows exemplifies the enduring impact of this initiative.

The concluding remarks highlight the enduring impact of the LAWA Fellowship, positioning it as a catalyst for change and a driving force behind the ongoing efforts to advance women’s rights in Africa.

The emphasis on the vibrant community of LAWA Fellows underscores the program’s role in creating a network of empowered advocates.
