The Different Types of Electrostatic Powder Coating Guns

Since the 1950s, powder coating has been around, but it has witnessed dramatic growth in the last 25 years and for several industries it is among the most popular finishes now.

With powder coating, it is possible to get the most durable quality colour longest lasting and economical finishes on the market. It is used in various industries such as agriculture, architecture, appliance and automotive industries.

The electrostatic powder coating guns are used for shaping and directing powder flow, controlling powder density shape and pattern size, controlling powder deposition on to the parts being sprayed and for imparting electrostatic charge to powder that is being sprayed.

Find out about the different types of electrostatic guns available on the market for powder coating purposes.

Tribo guns

An epoxy powder is charged by this which lead to a friction when powder particles rub a conductor or solid insulator within the gun. The charge that is achieved as a result of stripping of electrons from the Powder is positive in nature.

Due to an absence of any actual electrostatic field, the charged powder particles shift towards the grounded region and can freely be deposited to a part in an extremely thin coating. Even recessed and tight areas can be coated in this way.

But there are two disadvantages with such electrostatic powder coating guns, given that it works optimally with epoxy powders and coats at 50% of the speed of a corona-charge powder gun.

Corona spray guns

These are the commonest types of electrostatic powder coating guns that are used in the application process. With these kinds of electrostatic powder coating gums, you can get a low-amperage and high voltage electrostatic field between the product that is being coated and the electrode.

Particles of powder which pass through the ionized electrostatic field located at the electrode tip get charged and get deposited on the part’s electrically grounded surface.

But there are some weaknesses of these guns

  • Tight and recessed corners having powder can be difficult to cover with them. This problem can also be controlled the best with the help of a high-quality powder that can retain the high voltage charge in the best possible way.
  • Also, with corona electrostatic powder coating guns it is difficult to coat a part again that has been cured already.

Corona bells

These are implemented in all those applications in which there is a neat to court large flat sized areas at a higher speed rate. In case you need to spray a lot of powder on to a comparatively flat surface in a short time period then this device is more preferable for application. The outer shells of appliances and automatic car bodies are the general applications for corona bells. The method of charging is the same as in case of corona guns and the effects are similar in nature.

Flame spray powder coating equipment

It is generally used for coating objects of large sizes with the help of thermoplastic powders where it is impossible to use an oven. At the tip of the electrostatic powder coating guns, combustible gases are ignited by this equipment. The heat that comes out as a result blends with thermoplastic powder, and it melts as it is propelled to the surface of the part.

Such a method is used wherever there is a need to reduce the cost of coating and where it is possible to make do with lower quality of coating. However, with film electrostatic powder coating guns there are quite a few risks – such as explosion of fumes and dust or extraction of fire fumes and dust. With the help of the right tool, coating can be much easier.

Author Bio: Jessica Curry is a professional writer who shares knowledge and ideas about Home Improvement, Health, Business and Automotive that will be informative for readers who love to gain knowledge. In this article, we are helping by providing information regarding electrostatic and powder coating.

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