Substandard Work, Lavish Lives and more, entailed in Riverside Resin’s Devastating Impact on Homeowners

Substandard Work, Lavish Lives and more, entailed in Riverside Resin’s Devastating Impact on Homeowners

Deceptive Building Duo: Luxury Living and Devastated Clients

Ill-Gotten Gains and Ruined Lives: A Tale of Deception

Rebecca Wilson, 40, and David Gillies, 43, spearheaded Riverside Resin, a building company that left a trail of misery totaling £106,000 for 16 families.

Despite a prior suspended jail term for dishonest trading, Wilson and Gillies engaged in unscrupulous practices, exploiting trusting clients and delivering substandard work.

Luxury Living Amidst Deception: A High Life Unveiled

While deceiving families with shoddy construction projects, Wilson enjoyed a lavish lifestyle, residing in a £270,000 four-bedroom home on an upmarket estate.

Reports reveal her spending on cosmetic enhancements like botox, hair extensions, and extravagant parties in North East champagne bars, all funded by the ill-gotten gains from unsuspecting victims.

Exploiting Vulnerability: A Heartbreaking Story

One victim, Ian Dimond, 51, detailed the distressing experience his family endured.

Their 12-year-old daughter, Chloe, diagnosed with a brain tumor, needed a safe outdoor space during her recovery.

Riverside Resin promised a decking area, but the delivered work proved dangerous, leaving Chloe confined to her room.

Despite pleas for rectification, Wilson remained indifferent, adding to the family’s hardships.

Legal Battles and Hollow Apologies: Seeking Justice

Victims, including those enduring financial losses and emotional distress, took their grievances to Trading Standards, initiating an investigation.

Wilson’s offer of compensation, initially a mere £500, escalated after legal intervention.

Gillies, Wilson’s accomplice, received an eight-month suspended prison term, and Wilson faced 17 counts of fraud and 15 counts of unfair trading.

A Pervasive Pattern: Judge’s Condemnation

Judge Christopher Smith, presiding over the case, condemned Wilson’s deceptive practices, emphasizing her disregard for warnings and the ruinous impact on homeowners.

He underscored the depressingly similar stories of clients whose lives were marred by anxiety, stress, and loss of trust in tradesmen.

The judge concluded that Wilson, steering the fraudulent behavior, caused losses exceeding £100,000 for the 16 victims.

This disturbing case highlights the disturbing prevalence of unscrupulous practices in the construction industry, leaving homeowners not only financially drained but emotionally scarred.

The judge’s condemnation reflects the severe consequences of such fraudulent activities, emphasizing the need for stringent measures to protect unsuspecting clients.

The victims’ stories serve as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and accountability within the building sector.
