IPOB Denies Ownership of Bombed Camps in Anambra and Imo States

IPOB Denies Ownership of Bombed Camps in Anambra and Imo States

IPOB Denies Ownership of Bombed Camps in Anambra and Imo States

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has responded to the Nigeria Air Force’s (NAF) claims regarding the recent bombing of camps in Anambra and Imo States.

According to IPOB, the bombed camps do not belong to them, contradicting NAF’s assertions.

NAF’s Bombing Claims

The spokesperson of the Air Force, Edward Gabkwet, had previously stated that the airstrikes targeted camps belonging to IPOB and their armed affiliate, Eastern Security Network (ESN).

These airstrikes were reportedly conducted based on intelligence reports indicating plans for terrorist activities in the area.

IPOB’s Rebuttal

IPOB, through its spokesperson, Emma Powerful, vehemently denied NAF’s claims.

According to the statement issued by IPOB, they do not have any camps in the areas that were bombed.

Bombed Camps Belong to a Splinter Group

IPOB went further to explain that the camps that were bombed actually belonged to terrorists associated with a splinter group led by Simon Ekpa, who is based in Finland.

They emphasized that IPOB’s primary focus is the Eastern Security Network (ESN), which is responsible for securing certain areas and protecting the local population.

IPOB’s Stance on Peacefulness

IPOB asserted that they are a peaceful organization and not involved in criminal activities or terrorism.

They highlighted that they have offices in Biafra Land and the diaspora and are allowed to gather in civilized countries.

Simon Ekpa’s Role

The statement also mentioned Simon Ekpa, who is described as a criminal and agent provocateur sponsored by the Nigeria Department of State Services (DSS).

IPOB accused Ekpa and his associates of impersonating ESN to tarnish IPOB’s reputation and that of Mazi Nnamdi KANU.

A Call for Clarity

IPOB urged the Nigeria Air Force to accurately identify the camps they bombed and refrain from associating them with IPOB or ESN.

This statement seeks to clarify the situation and disputes the allegations made by NAF regarding the ownership of the bombed camps.

World News