South African schoolgirls help drunk cop up stand

South African schoolgirls help drunk cop up stand

Hundreds of social media posts show that South Africans are gradually losing faith in law enforcement officials across the country.
Thousands of people have lost faith in the South African police force after a video was circulated showing a cop so inebriated that he can’t even stand up straight.

It wouldn’t be the first time there is a video of a clearly intoxicated police official doing its rounds on social media and it probably won’t be the last time.
A particularly troublesome clip of a local officer – who is dressed in full uniform and armed – has been shared on Facebook by a page called SA Long Distance Truckers.
In the clip, the inebriated cop can be seen trying to balance himself by holding on to a pole. Unfortunately, this does not work and he ends up stumbling to the ground.
What upset many people the most after watching the clip is that two young girls also appear in the clip as they try and help the officer to his feet.
The clip was captioned:

“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is supposed to be the man keeping us safe… He is so drunk he can’t stand.”

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