South African Model Blackbarbielish Praises EFF Leader Mbuyiseni Ndlozi – A Heartfelt Show of Support

South African Model Blackbarbielish Praises EFF Leader Mbuyiseni Ndlozi – A Heartfelt Show of Support

Renowned South African model Babalwa Mneno, known as Blackbarbielish, recently expressed her admiration for Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Mbuyiseni Ndlozi.

Ndlozi’s Prominence in EFF and Social Media Influence

Ndlozi, known for his influential role within the EFF, commands a substantial following of over 500,000 on Instagram, making him one of the most prominent opposition activists in South Africa.

His contributions to the EFF and his music have solidified his status as a respected figure within the party.

Babalwa Mneno’s Support for the EFF

While Babalwa Mneno’s affiliation with the EFF is well-known, she does not frequently engage with political matters on social media.

However, her recent comment on one of Ndlozi’s posts garnered significant attention and approval from her followers.

Babalwa Mneno’s Affectionate Messages

Mneno has previously displayed her admiration for EFF leaders, including Julius Malema, on social media platforms.

In a heartfelt message celebrating Malema’s birthday, she expressed her unwavering support and affection.

Similarly, her recent message to Mbuyiseni Ndlozi conveyed deep admiration and affection, highlighting her affectionate regard for the EFF leader.

EFF’s Support for Bafana Bafana

EFF leaders, including Julius Malema and Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, recently welcomed Bafana Bafana home from the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON), demonstrating the party’s support for the national team.

Some players openly expressed their admiration for the EFF, generating mixed reactions from fans regarding their involvement in political matters.

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