South African father caught by wife raping daughter

South African father caught by wife raping daughter

A South African man from the Free State has been caught on camera raping his 16-year-old daughter. His wife walked in and caught him red-handed.
Captain Stephen Thakeng, a police spokesman, said the daughter had just returned home from school when her father assaulted her.
“At around 14:30 on February 21, 2022, the 16-year-old girl went to her bedroom to change out of her school clothes.
“Her father walked into the room, stripped himself, and pushed the daughter onto the bed before rapping her. “His wife strolled in while he was busy,” he explained.
The wife asked him what he was doing.  He never responded and just dressed.
The incident was reported to Winburg Police Station.
Police arrested the 41-year-old father and are now investigating a case of rape. He is expected to appear soon in the Winburg Magistrate Court.

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