Some interesting things you probably don’t know about Jonny Depp

Some interesting things you probably don’t know about Jonny Depp

Depp has been known for his eccentricities from the first time appeared in the spotlight. He is also generally well-liked by those he has worked with, by former significant others and by fans to whom he is kind and generous to and has a solid reputation as being a rather strange but nice guy.

Some of the lesser known things about him reinforce this reputation:

  • Dropped out of high school at age 16 to pursue a career as a musician.
  • Learned French to be able to converse with Vanessa Paradis’ parents.
  • Arrested for trashing a New York hotel room. Depp claimed that an armadillo was responsible, saying that he had found the animal hidden in a closet and it had gone crazy, wrecking the hotel room before leaping out the window.
  • Depp gave Noel Gallagher a white guitar with the letter “P” on it, which he regularly plays during Oasis’ gigs. “P” is the name of a band that Depp was in.
  • Based the character of Captain Jack Sparrow on rock legend Keith Richards and the Looney Tunes character, Pepe Le Pew.
  • He was good friends with Hunter S. Thompson until his death. Depp helped to fulfill Thompson’s last wish after the writer died. Thompson wanted his remains to be shot out of a 150 foot long canon.
  • Suffers from near-sightedness since birth, and is nearly blind in his left eye. He claims that the condition cannot be corrected by surgery.
  • Will not allow paparazzi to take photos of his children because he feels they didn’t ask for the celebrity attention.
