Social Media Influencer Bennett Rea Tests the Diets of Donald Trump and Joe Biden in a Comprehensive Day-Long Experiment Across the United States

Donald Trump’s eating habits are the stuff of legends, often spotlighted for their sheer indulgence.

But recent insights reveal that Joe Biden’s diet isn’t much of a health benchmark either.

Social media star Bennett Rea, 35, decided to spend an entire day mimicking the eating habits of both leaders. The results were both surprising and eye-opening.

Rea’s day imitating Trump’s diet left him feeling like he’d stepped straight into a “Supersize Me” scenario.

Trump’s routine usually starts with skipping breakfast, followed by a lunch of steak cooked to a crisp, doused in ketchup, and sometimes accompanied by a side salad with Roquefort dressing.

Dinner features a double dose of Big Macs, Filet-o-Fish sandwiches, a small chocolate shake, and several Diet Cokes. Snacks? Think Doritos or Lays, washed down with even more Diet Coke—sometimes up to 12 cans a day.

Rea described the experience as overwhelming. “By the end of the day, I felt like I was hungover,” he shared.

“It was so heavy and greasy that I couldn’t focus.

It was like having a huge Thanksgiving feast every meal, leaving me not only stuffed but also a bit disoriented.”

Biden’s Simple Fare

In contrast, Biden’s diet seemed almost nostalgic to Rea.

The President’s breakfast typically includes a bowl of Special K with an Orange Gatorade. Lunch consists of a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich, an apple, and more Gatorade. Dinner is often Angel Hair pasta with red sauce.

For snacks, Biden enjoys protein bars, Fig Newtons, and vanilla chocolate-chip ice cream from Haagen-Dazs.

Rea found Biden’s diet straightforward but somewhat uninspiring. “It was like being back in school with brown bag lunches.

The simplicity was almost refreshing, but it was also quite bland and repetitive.

I was bored and felt the lack of protein,” he noted.

Reactions and Realizations

Both diets had significant impacts on Rea’s well-being. The Trump-inspired diet was heavy and made him feel sluggish, while Biden’s diet left him feeling unsatisfied and bored.

Rea expressed that Trump’s diet was hard to manage and made him question how anyone could maintain such eating habits regularly.

On the flip side, Biden’s diet, though simpler, didn’t offer the variety or excitement he usually enjoys.

The videos showcasing Rea’s experiment have garnered impressive attention, with Biden’s diet video clocking in at 1.7 million views and Trump’s at 1.3 million.

Viewer reactions varied, with some finding Trump’s diet excessive and others commenting on Biden’s simplicity.

A Personal Journey

Rea’s experiment has not only entertained his followers but also brought a personal touch to his lifelong dream of combining politics and cooking. Having once aspired to be both President and a professional chef, Rea’s current project on TikTok—where he shares the diets of famous political figures—feels like a continuation of that childhood ambition.

As he continues to explore the eating habits of past Presidents like Barack Obama and Theodore Roosevelt, Rea remains enthusiastic about blending his love for food with his interest in historical figures.