Nun Takes on Climate Protester at Church Construction Site

Nun Takes on Climate Protester at Church Construction Site

In a rather comical yet unexpected turn of events, a nun found herself in a tussle with a climate protester at a church construction site in France.

The incident occurred as environmental activists attempted to obstruct the construction of a new church, sparking a clash with the nuns guarding the site.

Unlikely Confrontation

The amusing video footage captures the unusual encounter. It begins with a nun dashing across the muddy construction area of a Catholic center located in Saint-Pierre-de-Colombier, Ardèche, France.

She targets one of the protesters and seizes him from behind, a move that sends the activist tumbling to the ground.

The Spirited Nun’s Tackle

The protester, who clutches two large cylinders, tries to escape, but the determined nun holds onto his jacket.

In a spectacle reminiscent of a professional rugby tackle, the nun successfully brings down the eco-protester.

The struggle results in the activist relinquishing the cylinders, which are discarded to the side. He then makes a frantic attempt to free himself from the tenacious sister’s grasp.

Eco-Protester’s Response

In response to the nun’s spirited tackle, the protester, joined by fellow activists, proceeds to stomp on the cylinders, shattering them into pieces and leaving the broken plastic strewn across the ground.

Controversial Church Project

The clash between climate activists and the nuns at the construction site stems from a dispute that has been ongoing since 2018.

The activists oppose the construction of a large Catholic religious center in Saint-Pierre-de-Colombier due to concerns about its carbon footprint.

Nuns Defend the Construction Site

The nuns, committed to safeguarding the site, had taken measures to protect it. They fortified entrances with barricades to prevent protestors from entering.

Tensions escalated on Monday, October 14, when climate activists, under the banner of Les Amis de la Bourge, confronted the nuns.

This led to violent confrontations.

Sylvain Hérenguel, co-president of the association for the future of the Bourges valley, expressed his surprise at the nuns’ actions.

He explained that the nuns, rather than maintaining public order, resorted to violence to protect the construction site, even physically assaulting some activists.

This unexpected confrontation between nuns and climate protesters serves as a peculiar yet fascinating example of the dynamics surrounding environmental activism and religious institutions.

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