Robert De Niro’s NYC Outing Amidst Renewed Feud with Trump

Robert De Niro’s NYC Outing Amidst Renewed Feud with Trump

Exclusive Interview Reveals Actor’s Top Priority

Heading Out in New York:

Renowned actor Robert De Niro was recently spotted leaving his Manhattan home with his family, including his youngest child Gia, born earlier this year to partner Tiffany Chen.

The 80-year-old actor, known for his outspoken views, ignited his ongoing feud with Donald Trump last month, and the latest sighting follows an exclusive interview with Rolling Stone.

De Niro’s No.1 Priority:

In the Rolling Stone interview, De Niro disclosed that his primary concern now is the removal of Donald Trump from the political landscape.

He expressed deep apprehension about the impact of Trump’s influence, likening it to a classic grift and drawing parallels with totalitarian regimes like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

Speech Controversy and Apple’s Role:

Last month, De Niro claimed that part of his Gotham Awards speech, where he targeted Trump, was edited out by Apple, the organizer of the awards.

In the interview, he explained the circumstances, stating that a consultant added content about kids in Oklahoma unable to read a book.

He expressed frustration with the editing, emphasizing Trump’s divisive nature.

Trump’s Response and De Niro’s Criticism:

Following De Niro’s remarks in his speech, Trump responded on his Truth Social platform, branding the actor a ‘total loser.’

De Niro, undeterred, continued to criticize Trump in the interview, describing him as a ‘monster’ who brings out the worst in people.

The actor expressed his initial hope for positive change after Trump’s election but now views him as beyond dangerous.

Ongoing Feud and Political Activism:

De Niro’s feud with Trump dates back to before the 2016 election, with the actor consistently using his platform to criticize the former president.

He sent a statement to the Stop Trump Summit last month, organized by The New Republic magazine.

Despite facing personal and legal challenges, De Niro remains committed to his political activism and vocal opposition to Trump.

Legal Troubles and Personal Criticisms:

In November, De Niro was ordered to pay $1.2 million in damages in a gender discrimination lawsuit filed by his former assistant, Graham Chase Robinson.

While the actor was not personally held liable, his company, Canal Productions, faced charges of gender discrimination and retaliation.

The legal battles have shed light on De Niro’s behavior as an employer.


Robert De Niro’s recent outing in New York, coupled with his candid interview, showcases the actor’s unwavering commitment to political activism and his ongoing feud with Donald Trump.

Despite personal and legal challenges, De Niro remains a vocal critic of the former president, emphasizing the urgency of addressing political concerns.

Robert De Niro’s public life continues to intertwine with political commentary and legal challenges.

The interview sheds light on the actor’s perspective and motivations, providing insights into his passionate stance against Donald Trump.

De Niro’s ability to maintain activism amid personal and legal controversies underscores the complex intersection of celebrity, politics, and personal struggles.

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