Research group suspected of causing Covid-19 still receiving funding from US Govt for similar experiments worldwide

Research group suspected of causing Covid-19 still receiving funding from US Govt for similar experiments worldwide

Recent revelations highlight that EcoHealth Alliance, a research group suspected of playing a role in the initiation of the Covid pandemic, is currently receiving funding from the US Government for conducting similar experiments worldwide.

Public records disclose that since 2020, EcoHealth Alliance has secured nearly $50 million in US taxpayer money for projects involving the capture of bats, pangolins, and other animals in remote areas to identify new and potentially dangerous viruses.

Despite suspicions of an accidental lab leak in Wuhan being the likely source of the Covid pandemic, the group continues to receive substantial funding.

Previous Controversy and Wuhan Connection:

EcoHealth Alliance was previously part of a research project associated with the release of Covid in 2019.

This project involved the exploration of new bat coronaviruses and their manipulation at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Although former President Donald Trump canceled the project and withdrew funding, the group persists in operating across Asia.

Current grants include a $6 million initiative investigating coronaviruses in bats in Southeast Asia, resembling the project believed to have initiated the Covid pandemic.

Active Grants and Ongoing Projects:

As per federal grant records, EcoHealth Alliance currently holds 11 active grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), totaling $46 million.

Notably, almost all these grants were signed after the emergence of the Covid pandemic, with two valued at $4.5 million signed in 2022.

The group’s ongoing research involves diverse projects, such as capturing mice, rats, and shrews in Tanzania, studying Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, and searching for Nipah and Ebola-like viruses in southern India.

Critics’ Concerns and Political Response:

Critics argue that continuing to fund EcoHealth Alliance poses a reckless approach, increasing the risk of laboratory accidents.

Republican congressmen, led by Paul Gosar, are demanding agencies, including the NIH and Department of Defense, to cease funding for the organization.

Gosar emphasizes the group’s alleged involvement in risky gain-of-function research that contributed to the pandemic and questions the appropriateness of ongoing financial support.

EcoHealth Alliance’s Defense:

EcoHealth Alliance maintains that its research is crucial for identifying potential pandemic-causing pathogens.

The group denies funding gain-of-function research or any role in the initiation of the Covid pandemic.

Despite having faced previous funding withdrawal due to concerns about ties to the lab leak theory, the organization has received a total of 37 grants from the US Government, totaling $80 million, since 2002.

Pressure on Dangerous Virus Research:

In the aftermath of the Covid pandemic, there has been mounting pressure to reassess and limit risky virus research.

The closure of DEEP VZN in September, aimed at preventing the hunting for new viruses, underscores these concerns.

Dr. Daszak from EcoHealth Alliance revealed the discovery of a novel virus in bats during a recent World Health Organization (WHO) conference, emphasizing its common presence in bats where people are frequently exposed.

Denial and Seeking Accountability:

EcoHealth Alliance denies allegations of funding gain-of-function research or being linked to the pandemic’s origin.

Republican Congressman Gosar insists that agencies responsible for funding must be held accountable for their decisions.

Despite concerns, EcoHealth Alliance continues to operate and receive funding for its research endeavors.


The ongoing funding of EcoHealth Alliance by the US Government for projects reminiscent of those suspected in the Covid pandemic’s origin raises questions about the responsible allocation of resources and the potential risks associated with such research.

As political pressure intensifies, the debate surrounding the necessity and safety of virus-related research persists, highlighting the complex challenges in balancing scientific exploration and public health concerns. The NIH has been approached for comment on this matter.

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