Tragic End: Mother from “Mummy Calm Down” Video Takes Her Life

Tragic End: Mother from “Mummy Calm Down” Video Takes Her Life

A Tragic End for the “Mummy Calm Down” Mom

The woman who gained fame through the viral video where her young son pleaded with her to “calm down” has sadly ended her life.

This heartbreaking incident has left her husband and three children behind in Benin City, Edo state.

A Heartbreaking Turn of Events

On Monday afternoon, November 6, a user on the X platform shared the devastating news of Toluige Olokoobi Babalola’s passing.

The individual mentioned being present at the scene, adding a layer of authenticity to this tragic report.

The Viral “Mummy Calm Down” Video

In 2020, Toluige Olokoobi Babalola and her young son became internet sensations when she posted a video of him pleading with her to “calm down” during a disciplinary moment.

The video struck a chord with people around the world and quickly went viral.

The Impact of Virality

While the video brought temporary fame and recognition to Toluige Olokoobi Babalola and her son, it appears that behind the viral sensation, there were struggles and challenges that ultimately led to this tragic turn of events.

Leaving Behind a Grieving Family

The loss of Toluige Olokoobi Babalola is undoubtedly a devastating blow to her husband and three children. Her death serves as a reminder of the complex and often hidden battles that individuals may be facing, even when their lives appear in the public eye.

A Tragic Loss for Many

The “Mummy Calm Down” video brought smiles and laughter to countless people, but it now carries a somber and heart-wrenching undertone as the woman behind the video is remembered in a tragic context.

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