Rail Workers’ Union Accuses Government of Preventing Settlement Amid Ongoing Dispute

Rail Workers’ Union Accuses Government of Preventing Settlement Amid Ongoing Dispute

The ongoing dispute between the Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) union and the Government over jobs, pay, and conditions has escalated, resulting in further travel disruption on Saturday.


The RMT union’s decision to walk out for the day led to widespread train service cancellations.

The conflict has been going on for over a year with no signs of resolution, and the situation worsened due to controversial plans to close most ticket offices.

Government Accused of Hindering Settlement:

RMT’s general secretary, Mick Lynch, pointedly accused the Government of intentionally preventing a resolution.

According to Lynch, the closure of ticket offices would save a relatively small amount compared to the considerable sums allegedly spent by the Government to sustain the dispute artificially.


He highlighted the public’s financial burden in underwriting the prolonged strike and the funding of ticket office closures that people rely on.

Lynch also emphasized the unpopularity of such closures among the public and the broader implications they may have on station staffing.

Union’s Commitment and Members’ Steadfast Action:

Despite the ongoing industrial action, the RMT union remains wholly committed to negotiating a settlement on pay, jobs, security, and conditions.

The members of the union are resolute in their stance and refuse to be intimidated into submission.

Disruption and Varying Train Services:

The strike had significant implications for passengers, with wide variations in services across the country.


Trains operated later and finished much earlier than usual, and in some regions, only half of the usual services ran, while others had no services at all.

This disruption affected families planning summer holidays and could lead to disappointment, frustration, and financial strain for tens of thousands of people.

Calls for Government Intervention:

Amid the ongoing rail chaos, opposition figures, including Louise Haigh, the shadow transport secretary, criticized Transport Secretary Mark Harper for not engaging with rail unions and operators to find a resolution.

Haigh urged Harper to take action and initiate negotiations to end the strikes and their detrimental effects on the public.


The rail workers’ union’s dispute with the Government continues to cause travel disruption and inconvenience to the public.


The closure of ticket offices and its implications have added to the complexity of the conflict.

Despite the challenges, the union remains committed to finding a negotiated settlement, while the public calls for the Government to intervene and seek an end to the strikes.

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