Quick-Thinking Paramedic Tim Crosbie Swerves Ambulance to Dodge Flipping Car, Preventing Tragedy on Icy Interstate 95 near Boston

Quick-Thinking Paramedic Tim Crosbie Swerves Ambulance to Dodge Flipping Car, Preventing Tragedy on Icy Interstate 95 near Boston

In a heart-stopping incident captured on dashcam video, a Massachusetts ambulance driver skillfully dodged a flipping car while transporting a patient along a snowy road.

The incident occurred on February 13, on Interstate 95 in Peabody, approximately 20 miles from Boston.

Paramedic Tim Crosbie, the hero of the day, recounted the harrowing experience, emphasizing the split-second decision-making that averted a potential catastrophe.

The Incident Unfolds:

As the ambulance navigated through the wintry conditions, a white sedan, driven by a teen, careened down the highway at an alarming speed.

The sedan veered over the median and flipped across the southbound lanes, posing an imminent threat to the ambulance’s path.

Crosbie vividly described the intense moment, noting that despite its rapid occurrence, it felt like time had slowed down.

Critical Decision-Making:

Facing a life-or-death situation, Crosbie had to make a quick decision on whether to veer left or right to avoid a collision.

Reflecting on the incident, he shared that the choice to go right proved to be the correct one, narrowly avoiding a disastrous outcome.

The incident, though brief, showcased the high-stakes decisions that emergency responders like Crosbie must make in the line of duty.

Ensuring Safety and Rescue:

After ensuring the well-being of his partner and the patient in the ambulance, Crosbie skillfully repositioned the vehicle to prevent potential follow-up accidents.

Surprisingly, he found easy access to the overturned sedan and discovered that the 17-year-old driver was alert and responsive.

Crosbie’s calm demeanor and quick actions earned praise from his employer, Cataldo Ambulance Services, which commended his safe driving skills and ability to stay composed under pressure.

Positive Outcome and Community Reminder:

Despite the severity of the incident, the young driver emerged with no visible injuries, a testament to both vehicle safety features and Crosbie’s adept response.

Following the arrival of a backup team, Crosbie’s partner continued the original patient transfer to Boston. Cataldo Ambulance Services took to Facebook to commend Crosbie’s remarkable work, using the incident as a reminder for everyone to exercise caution, especially in adverse weather conditions.

Challenges Amidst a Winter Storm:

The near-miss occurred against the backdrop of a winter storm sweeping over Massachusetts, causing challenging road conditions and multiple weather-related incidents.

Crosbie described the weather as “a little wet, a little rainy,” highlighting the importance of remaining vigilant even in seemingly routine transfers.

The incident serves as a poignant reminder for all to prioritize safety, especially when weather conditions are less than optimal.

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