Quick and Affordable: Innovative Methods for De-Icing Your Car’s Windscreen

Quick and Affordable: Innovative Methods for De-Icing Your Car’s Windscreen

Innovative Methods for De-Icing Windscreens

A handy and cost-effective solution for de-icing frozen windscreens has recently surfaced in a TikTok video posted by ProblemSolved.

This revelation offers drivers a quick and accessible alternative to traditional methods of combating icy windshields.

The Clever Recipe

The video demonstrates a simple recipe for a homemade de-icing solution: mix one part water with two parts isopropyl alcohol, and then add a few drops of dish soap.

This concoction is not only highly effective but also likely to be found in most households, making it a convenient choice for drivers facing frosty windshields.

Isopropyl alcohol, which can be purchased on Amazon or at pharmacies for approximately £8 per bottle, forms the core ingredient of this solution.

An Economical Alternative

In addition to the isopropyl alcohol solution, the video suggests an even more cost-effective approach.

By using white distilled vinegar diluted with water, drivers can achieve the same de-icing effect.

A 568ml bottle of Distilled Vinegar, available for a mere 40p at Sainsbury’s, is all that’s required to tackle the frost.

Innovative Solutions Keep Coming

This latest de-icing trick joins a growing list of creative methods to combat frosty windshields.

Previous hacks have included using common household items like oranges, which can be purchased for just 16p each at Asda.

Microwaving the orange for less than a minute and then rubbing it on the car’s windscreen has proven surprisingly effective.

Additionally, motorists have found success with the zip-lock bag technique—filling it with hot water and using it to de-ice the windscreen and windows.


As winter approaches, drivers now have access to an array of inventive and affordable solutions for swiftly de-icing their windscreens.

These tricks, including the newly unveiled isopropyl alcohol and vinegar methods, offer a convenient and budget-friendly alternative to traditional de-icing products.

Whether using common household items or homemade concoctions, motorists can now face frosty mornings with ease.
