“Putin is playing Biden like a drum”, “Putin is smart” – US Former President Donald Trump

“Putin is playing Biden like a drum”, “Putin is smart” – US Former President Donald Trump

“The problem is not that he’s smart — which of course he’s smart — but the real problem is that our leaders are dumb. Putin is playing Biden like a drum… It’s not a pretty thing to watch,” Trump said.
“It would have been so easy for me to stop this travesty from happening. He understood me, and he understood that I don’t play games.”
“Russia’s attack on Ukraine is appalling. It’s an outrage, and an atrocity that should never have been allowed to occur. We are praying for the proud people of Ukraine. God bless them all.”
Trump appeared on stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Florida, where he revved up his base ahead of November’s midterm elections, hinted again at another presidential run and blamed Joe Biden for the Ukraine crisis.
In a press conference with right-wing cable shortly before his address, Trump went even further, saying: “thousand of people, hundreds of thousands of people could die… and this could spread to other countries, and it could spread throughout the world. This could be a world war. Something has to be done.”

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